Biden cancels Trump’s order banning foreign trade, including legal fees | Univision Immigration News

The President Joe Biden dejó sin efecto este mércoles una proclamation emitida par el exresidente Donald Trump in April of this year, announced that it would suspend the entry of extraneous species that, following the White House of those entities, constitute a risk for the economic recovery of the endemic countries and after the coronavirus pandemic.

By means of one order similar, Biden announced that it will take effect “the Proclamation 10014 of April 22, 2010”, and that there will be an extension of the second week, the last of December 31st.

When the firm announced, Trump insisted that the media be “prioritizing and protecting jobs for the affected by the health crisis.”

Biden, without embarrassment, says in the proclamation that “on the contrary, it adheres to the United States, including implying that intermediaries dependent on citizens and permanent residents are united with their families in the territory of the United States”.

“It is also important to note that the companies that use talents from all over the world, the people who have been selected to receive or have received visas for immigrants during the Visa Fiscal Year 2020 Lottery”, indicated.

The Trump Order, in addition to banning the entry of foreigners and suspending consular visits to the world’s embassies around the world, will allow the entry of miles of foreigners who have obtained a residence permit, impedi- dents obtaining an immigrant visa.

The reasons of Biden

“Proclamation 10014 has impeded that these persons enter the United States, which has provoked, in some cases, the deprivation and the possible loss of its opportunity to obtain a diversity visa (won in the Visa Lottery) for fiscal year 2020 and realize its sueños in the United States ”, says the mandate.

“With this decision, the door to immigration from immigrants to immigrants and non-immigrants that took place on April 22, 2020 and was extended by two weeks, will last until March 31 of this year,” said José. Guerrero, an immigration advocate who owns Miami (Florida).

“It is estimated that more than 380,000 cases are being investigated by world-level consultants,” he said. “Being treated by an important medium means that many families can be reunited after such a long time,” he said.

Guerrero also said that “it is likely that due to the cancellation of Trump’s media, it is possible that there are protests over the huge number of cases accumulated.”

“If the State Consulate agrees to abstain from voting and issuing visas, and those who are going to pass it on to others, as long as there are no clerks who conclude that Trump ordered the death of the victims,” ​​he said.

The President, shall revoke the April proclamation and the extensions of the prohibition, trust in the Secretaries of State, Labor and National Security that revise “any regulations, orders, policy documents, policies and any other action of compliance with Proclamation 10014 and, according to the correspondence, will issue a review of compliance with the policy established in this proclamation ”.

Trump’s Prohibition

