Biden browses the page on Trump’s Israeli-Palestinian policy

The Biden government on Tuesday outlined its Israel-Palestine policy in the UN Security Council, stressing the importance of restoring ties with the Palestinian Authority.

Send the news: Under the new policy, the US will resume aid to the Palestinians and reopen the PLO office in Washington and the consulate in Jerusalem.

  • The Biden government will oppose the annexation, establishment of the settlement and the demolition of Palestinian homes by Israel, and the incitement and payments to terrorists by the Palestinians.

One of the key players in drafting policies, Hady Amr, will also play a key role in its implementation as Deputy Assistant Secretary to the State Department of Israel-Palestine. Amr is highly respected by Palestinian officials, who consider him a balanced actor.

  • Amr’s job at the State Department is his fifth executive post. He previously served in the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security.
  • Under Obama, Amr serves as deputy special envoy for the economy and Gaza, and works with the special envoy for Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, Martin Indyk.
  • One of Amr’s teammates from that period was Julie Sawyer, the new director for Israel-Palestine in Biden’s National Security Council.

What to look for: The Biden government does not plan to appoint a special envoy for the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

  • The issue will mostly be handled by the state department, which means that Amr could have a significant influence.
  • It remains to be seen who will be elected as Assistant Secretary for Middle Eastern Affairs and Ambassador to Israel.
