Biden announces direct delivery of covid-19 vacancies to pharmacies

(CNN) – The governor of Biden announced the martyrdom that would begin the direct mailing of vacancies to the smaller pharmacies next week, increasing the points of access to the stadiums receiving vacancies while expanding the concerns about coronavirus variants.

«Millions of estadounidenses acute to their local pharmacies all the days to get their medicines, vacancies against the flu and much more. And the pharmacies are easily accessible in the Municipality of the municipalities, and the Mayor of the stadiums live just a few kilometers from a pharmacy “, coordinator of the Covid-19 response of the White House Jeff Zients said in an informative session.

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The program, which will start implementing on February 11, will start with a 6,500 tenths that will receive a total of 1 million doses before they finally expand, says Zients.

The administration also announces that it is increasing the weekly assignment of vacancies from one of the states, districts and territories to an additional 5%, with the total weekly vacancy sold at a minimum of 10.5 million.

Y Zients says that the Federal Agency for the Emergency Rehabilitation Maneuver is fully in line with the electoral services he has been training since the beginning of the 2020 pandemic. dijo Zients, estimates about 3,000 US dollars and 5,000 million.

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At its informative session, Zients agreed to manage the expectations for the launch of the pharmacy. Although all Pfizer car manufacturers like Modern are increasing production to increase the additional dose.

“In the initial phase, many pharmacies throughout the country will not be able to hire a very limited trainee,” he said.

The Centers for Control and Prevention of Infants of EE.UU. is working with the states to select the pharmacy sites, which tend to “have the capacity to read some of the publications with mayor risk grave by covid-19, including socially vulnerable communities”, said Zients.

Employees of the administration will inform representatives of the main cadences of pharmacies on March before announcing the plan publicly.

Casa Blanca enumerates 21 cadas of national pharmacies participating in the initial phase of the program, including Walgreens, CVS and Rite Aid.

The plan to expand the availability of vacancies in pharmacies has been in process for a long time and has also been a key component in the distribution plan of the Trump administration. In some states, such as Maryland, these plans are on the market and pharmacies have begun distributing vacancies.

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