Biden announcement of 200 million vacancies against Covid-19 in EU

The President of United States, Joe Biden, announced the youths who had agreed to acquire 200 million additional doses of vacancies against the Covid-19.

“Just this late, we have final contracts for 100 million more laboratory doses Modern and 100 million more vacancies from Pfizer“, dijo tras recorrer la sede de los Institutos Nacionales de Salud (NIH), circa de Washington.

“Now we are in the process of holding a sufficient summit for (vacancies to) 300 million of estadounidenes for the end of July”, agreed.

The Biden administration manages to establish the most recent of these agreements, which increase by 50% the stock of vacancies.

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The United States evacuation campaign had an unstable start in December, but since then it has increased: at least 34.7 million people have received one of the doses of immunization, approximately 10% of the population.

A total of 46.3 million dose doses were applied and 68.2 million doses were distributed, according to official figures.

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Miles of pharmacies are still quoting the jewels to start giving injections on that day.

The federal government has also used emergency legislation to increase the production of vacancies, has opened massive vacancy sites in stadiums and has launched a separate program to reach out to the extended communities.

jabf / lsm
