Biden admin sanctions Chinese government officials over human rights abuses in Uyghur

The Biden government on Monday endorsed Chinese government officials over ‘serious human rights abuses’ against ethnic minorities in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, and warned that China would continue to suffer if the ‘atrocities’ continue.

The Treasury Department has approved two current Chinese government officials for human rights violations – Wang Junzheng, the secretary of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Party Committee, and Chen Mingguo, director of the Xinjiang Public Security Bureau.


The US is “committed to using the full extent of its financial powers to” promote accountability for the serious human rights violations that are taking place in Xinjiang “, the Treasury said.

“Chinese authorities will continue to face consequences as long as atrocities take place in Xinjiang,” said Andrea M. Gacki, director of the Office of Foreign Asset Management. “The Treasury is committed to promoting accountability for the Chinese government’s human rights violations, including arbitrary detention and torture, against Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities.”

The actions of the Biden government on Monday complemented actions also taken by the European Union, the United Kingdom and Canada, which imposed sanctions on these individuals and others.

“The United States will continue to play a strong leading role in global efforts to combat serious human rights abuses in Xinjiang and around the world through the Global Magnitsky Sanctions Program,” the Treasury Department said. “Complementary actions through these global human rights sanctions regimes enable like-minded partners to form a united front to identify, promote and disrupt access to the international financial system by those who abuse human rights.”

Foreign Minister Antony Blinken said the action on Monday ‘is our continued commitment to working multilaterally to promote respect for human rights and to shine a light on those in the PRC government and CCP who are responsible for this atrocities. ‘

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Meanwhile, the White House said the government continued to have serious concerns about China’s crimes against humanity and the genocide of Uyghurs.

“This is an issue, and it was an issue that the president raised in his conversation with the Chinese president a few weeks ago,” White House press secretary Jan Psaki said.

Asked whether the US would impose further sanctions, Psaki said sanctions were “intended to curb behavior” but that they would not ‘rule or exclude’ the government so early.

“I can assure you that we will of course evaluate what appropriate next steps are in close coordination with allies and partners around the world,” Psaki said, adding that the government “is sure that the Chinese are noticing that we are working much harder now. allies and partners “as the previous government.

The sanctions come after tense bilateral talks with Biden administration officials and Chinese officials took place in Alaska last week.

The White House said the Biden government was ready to hold an ‘open dialogue’ with China and negotiate from a position of ‘strength’.

During Thursday’s meeting, Blinken said the Biden government was united with its allies in pushing back against China’s growing authoritarianism and assertiveness abroad. Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi then dropped a list of Chinese complaints about the US, accusing Washington of hypocrisy for criticizing Beijing on human rights and other issues.

Ties between America and China have been torn for years, and the Biden government has not yet indicated whether it is ready or willing to return from the harsh stance taken under Donald Trump.


Just a day before the meeting, Blinken announced new sanctions for Beijing’s repression of lawyers in Hong Kong. In response, China has sharpened its rhetoric against US interference in domestic affairs and complained directly about it.

Trump was proud to forge what he saw as a strong relationship with Chinese leader Xi Jinping. But the relationship broke down after Wuhan province’s coronavirus pandemic spread around the world, triggering a public disaster and public health.

Fox News’ Rich Edson and Associated Press contributed to this report.
