Biden admin blames delayed vaccination on Trump White House

Members of the Biden administration have admitted that they were in arrears to get the coronavirus vaccine in the arms of Americans across the country, but blamed the delay in “bottlenecks” and the lack of a comprehensive White House Trump plan.

Ron Klain, nominated president Biden as chief of staff of the White House, said a vaccination plan did not really exist when we entered the White House.

“The fundamental difference between the Biden approach and the Trump approach is that we will take responsibility with the federal government,” Klain said Sunday. NBC News’s “Meet the Press.”

Xavier Becerra, the nominated director of health and human services, linked Biden’s $ 1.9 billion coronavirus relief plan to the growing number of cases across the country.

‘The plane in a nose dive. And we have to pull it up, ” Becerra told CNN. “And you’re not going to do it overnight. But we’re going to pull it off. We have to pull it up. Failure is not an option. ”

“But first you have to save people, you have to save the economy,” he said. “President Biden has made it clear: this will not happen overnight.”

He sidestepped a question about CNN’s ‘State of the Union’ about when someone who wants a COVID-19 vaccine will be able to “get one.”

“Well, it’s an issue to make sure we coordinate with the states, because it is not the federal government that is putting the vaccine in the arm,” he said of “State of the Union.”

‘But we try to provide it, or provide the resources, and it helps to make it happen. And what we want to ensure is that the local people have a plan that is clear, ‘Becerra continued.

On a timeline for the vaccine by CNN anchor Dana Bash, Becerra said he could not say specifically when it was going to happen, but claimed that the government in Biden would be transparent about their plans.

“We give people direct information. We’re not trying to hide the ball. “And as soon as we have the information, I guarantee you, we will share it,” he said.

Becerra also defends Biden’s vow to commit to 100 million vaccine shots in his first 100 days in office, saying the president is working with the data he had before entering the White House.

“Once we’re in the house and doing business, we’ll be able to get more precision, but you need to give us a chance to find out what’s going on in the cockpit that’s causing this plane such a serious nose, ‘ said.

Klain said a good performance on the 100 million shots is still an achievement.
