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The New York Times

Opinion: How to complete the school this year by completing

Once the pandemic began, schools were permanently locked in many United States cities. While many masters are looking forward to their vacancies, the question of whether they should be reopened has been the subject of heated debates in cities such as Chicago, where the master masters of volving in the halls after prolonged negotiations. In San Francisco, the fiscal municipal claim – al distrito escolar or no lograr giving presenciales classes. On February 12, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, by its English seal), which he acknowledged that the present apprenticeship could be implemented in a secure manner, would be able to reach out on line work. His recommendations include a universal use of cubrebocas, washbasins, social distance, scrapbooking and disinfection contacts. Agree with the new line facilities, to fully complete the primary, secondary and graduate schools in the presidency, the infection cases of the COVID-19 in a community must be very good; in fact, small places in United States meet the agency criteria. While doing so, take care of the children in the halls for the journada media school or restrict the assistance to the little ones who can follow the norm in many places. The CDC has a good reference mark to record as more students regress to classrooms. Without embarrassment, the lineages that are difficult to make are the most beneficial for the nines of the country: all students, all grades, are present in the halls five days a week. The pandemic has taken us one and another time. However, given the point at which we are now, for the age it is probable that a large proportion of adults are vacant and with certainty all masters and staff will have to have access to the vacancies. Including the propagation of the new variants of the coronavirus, it is likely that the high-altitude evacuation bags will reduce the COVID-19 bags (with certainty, much less). Without embarrassment, it is very probable that the children, about all the minorities of 12 years, have been immunized for the child. We do not hope that COVID-19 cases will be reduced in time for these cases. This means that the students in the stadium can face a different situation and it will be less difficult this year. As a result, the CDC needs to identify where it can update its lineages, including the reduction cases and the continuous inoculations, to ensure that the mayor can take nine classes to attend present classes when the next one takes place. The children are not evacuated and the presence of some COVID-19 cases does not prevent them from being resuscitated with a normal-looking model. The dates do not support the need to hope that the nine are vacated to return to school. The nines are less likely than adults to infect with coronavirus and tend to develop less severe cases. Additionally, the losses for them in not having to attend to their school presence are considerable. One of the major obstacle logistics for recovery is the recommendation to maintain 2 meters distance between the nines: many plantar cares of the necessary additional space. The guidelines of the CDC indicate that distance is crucial; including when the communication propaganda is found on its most important point, the lines of the agency recommends maintaining the 2 metros “the most possible”. Without embarrassment, some experts in public health have argued that only a few meters from 1 metro are sufficient; it is possible that a distance including less can work. Open to the maximum capacity required that the schools use the rule of less than 1 metro or that the way to expand. The agency also needs to provide more explicit facilities regarding ventilation in classrooms. How long have you sold your sufficiency? Are HEPA air filters required? Schools can create cohorts, or groups, to limit the number of children interacting with them; this reduces the propagation and also reduces the impact of a quarantine when the nests are exposed to COVID-19. Without embargo, the cohorts are the most difficult to manage with secondary and bachelor students who change classes several times a day; in addition, podrían requires more personal and halls of those who possess the plants. The CDC recommends that persons exposed to COVID-19 be kept safe for weeks to come. This can significantly affect the normal operation of the schools, because only a classroom in a classroom requires that students study during the week, which will provide apprenticeships and tutoring to teachers, staff and families. If they are quarantined, they will avoid infections, and they will have to deal with the agency. Without embarrassment, some Indian data show that there is very little evidence of infection in people who have been exposed in school and the process of staying quarantined at home. If this hall is maintained in a more amplified manner, it is possible that the quarantines are limited to the persons he has been in close contact with whoever has COVID or who reduces the duration of the quarantines, in addition to probation and monitoring. The cohorts allow the schools to limit the interactions between the students and the staff, which facilitates the restraint of the contacts when surging cases of COVID-19. The groups, including the conjunctions of my students, can also help by limiting the number of people who need to be in quarantine. Schools that are currently open in United States can burn some ideas about what works and what does not work. Some apply that are only a few minutes away from the distance between the students, some require 2 meters and some do not require physical distance. Schools have adopted different approaches to ventilation, coronavirus tests and quarantines. It is possible to learn if all these efforts are validated with regard to the propaganda of the COVID-19, but we do not have a national level system for the schools to share their halls between them in an organized way. A federal level extension to retrieve and compare this information should be the base of the call for a complete repertoire. The new lineages for the first time are a commencement, but are maintained in vigor for the age will probably mean that we will not be able to recover all the schools. This is a tragedy for the nines. The schools can implement the agency’s recommendations, as well as improve ventilation systems, add mobile rooms or reduce the number of students in each class without adequate funding. The estate president’s package, Joe Biden, contains $ 130,000 to pay for the best in schools, staffing needs, as well as protection measures. The pandemic has presented problems that have existed since time immemorial in school plants, such as the abundance of honey that is necessary for a man-made lava. This is a shame and we must invest in resources for solutions, we are not in a pandemic. Sondeverbod, the specific themes of the COVID-19 continue to be an impediment, including if we address these basic issues. The lineages based on the science of the CDC represent advances that are needed for the schools to be able to recover. Without embarrassment, quiza did not help to put many little things in small beds during a long time. The goberno debería takes more steps to ensure that all the children can go to the school in this present way. This article originally appeared in The New York Times. © 2021 The New York Times Company
