Between laws and indignation withdrew military body assigned to Támara

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- Acongojados e impotentes acudieron familiares y companaires de labores a retirer el cuerpo sin vida del militiska polisi perdio la vida de forma violente la noche del pasado viernes, en el penal center de Támara, en la capital de Honduras.

El padre del joven Pedro López Mejía (26), if its family members are concerned while hoping for the health of the ferret, take care of the installations of the Center for Forensic Medicine and Forensic Medicine.

VEA: Muere military police completes its turn at Támara penal center

Minutes later, very uniform of the Military Police of the Public Order (PMOP) cargaban el ataud para posteriormente ser llevado hasta el municipio de Santa Elena, en el department de La Paz, de donde era originario.

Deadly opacity

López Mejía, is assigned to the module of maximum security of this penal center, for which only transcendence, the night of the fires is carried out in one of the cells for the delivery of food to a private of liberty, who presumably has the responsibility of his death.

ADEMÁS: Declaran-skuldiges a gemelos por el assesinato de exregidor ceibeño

The Indian versions that the reo attacked the military, attaining a strong blow in the cage using a candle and posteriorly, the inferior varied herids with a white army.

The authorities of the main criminal center of the present country did not pronounce the act of violence, because it identifies the identity of the person responsible and the possible motive of the attack.

LE PUEDE INTERESAR: Matan a un hombre en un calle sin salida en la colony Policarpo Paz García
