Best food for intestines

food for intestines

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  • According to recent research published in the journal Physical Medicine, your gut microbiome may thrive or sputter, mainly based on the foods you include in your diet.
  • Choices like vegetables, nuts, eggs and seafood feed the good bacteria in your gut, while sweetened drinks and highly refined grains feed the bad bacteria in your gut.
  • A healthy gut is essential for stronger immunity, improved cardiovascular and cognitive functions, deeper sleep and a lower risk of depression.

    An unlucky gut often causes an unlucky number of miles, and this can be especially problematic during longer training runs and during races. Recent research suggests that there is a way to keep your gut in check.

    The enormous colony of bacteria and microbes in your digestive system – known as your gut microbiome – can thrive or sputter, mainly based on the food you choose, according to the study, published in the journal. Physical Medicine.

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    Researchers looked at the microbiome of just over 1,000 people who contributed long-term dietary information to a major effort to collect data called PREDICT 1, which assessed the genetic and metabolic responses to food.

    They found that diets rich in certain plant foods are associated with beneficial intestinal microbes which in turn are associated with a lower risk for conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

    A striking aspect of the research was the identification of microbes that are positively or negatively related to these conditions. In other words, you have both good and bad actors in your gut, according to study fellow Sarah Berry, Ph.D., senior lecturer in the Department of Nutritional Sciences at King’s College London.

    “The good microbes lead to better measures of good health, including lower body fat, lower inflammation, lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, and more,” Berry said. Runner’s World. “There is great potential to adjust our microbiome through diet to positively impact our health.”

    The study found that food choices such as vegetables, nuts, eggs and seafood feed the good bacteria. The bad bacteria prefer sweet drinks, large amounts of juices, white bread and highly refined grains.

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    Although your gut plays an important role in reducing risks for the major conditions noted in the study, it is according to dietitian Mary Purdy, MS, RDN, author of The diet of the microbiome reset. These include stronger immunity, improved cardiovascular and cognitive function, deeper sleep and a lower risk of depression.

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    Purdy, for example, said Runner’s World, About 90 percent of your body’s serotonin – the neurotransmitter linked to feelings of well-being – is produced in your gut. If your bacterial balance is down, you will probably feel the effects on an emotional level.

    “What happens in our gut affects almost everything in the body,” Purdy said. “Consider your microbiome as an ecosystem that you can support or reduce, depending on what you eat.”

    Although there are many supplements available that promote gut health, such as probiotics, Purdy suggested starting with whole foods first, as they also contain vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber, which can not only help with physical functions, but also with athletic performance.

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