Benjamin Mendy and the fiestone that is mandated in End of Year: ‘Is an idiot’, dijo one of his friends – Diez

The footballers of the Premier League siguen demonstrating the disorganized that is in his private life. With the Covid-19 putting at rest to the English League, the footballers of these countries follow the sanitary laws.

The sun deny it Benjamin Mendy se habría saltado las normas. The French Zaguero Manchester City Habria admits that it organized a party in Nochevieja that violated the standards of protection.

Agreed to the British middle, Benjamin Mendy was with various people, without embarrassment, the footballer explained that he, his novice, his sobrina and his sobrino, who lived with him, assisted, but also a friend of his novice and his partner, in addition to a chef.

During the party, Mendy sent a message to the 23.23 pm waiting for the people to take precautions. Decía: “Feliz año nuevo. Cuida de ti y de los tuyos”. Según The sun, some photos show me in three young chicas that are on the 6th of the month on New Year’s Day.

Another trio of women saw their house at 7.45. También se vieron a varias mujeres mujeres cargando globos dorados.

The sun there are more and more words from the players’ thoughts. “Había mucho ruido en su casa et se podía escuchar a las niens gritando y divirtiéndose. A la medianoche, hubo un spectacle con villos fuegos artificiales. Debe haber costado una fortuna y duro al menos diez minutos. Mendy is an idiot for romper las reglas tan descaradamente “.
