Belinda’s Desconsolada Verag ‘n Ser Querido

“The greatest sadness” was part of the message that recently shared the song Belinda lies of the duel that he lives very much to despise one of his more powerful companions.

The news of Christian Nodal at one point the bravery of all his followers announced that he had lost his beloved lover.

Followed on the crossing of the past March 05, the year in which the interpretation of “Love in the first sight”, Belinda, give the sad notice of what they love “Gizmo“has been part of this world, which is to say that it is completely devastated.

My biggest sadness is my companion, my Gizmo, my guardian angel, 13 more years !!! I can not express the pain that is in my heart! I’m unlucky! Nunca te olvidaré, gracias por todo lo que me diste por quitarme la soledad, por darme amor sin pedir nada a cambio, por est uncondionmente a mi lado. I love my baby “.

Without a doubt this is a very fragile moment for the singer who shares Spanish-Mexican races, a tragic tragedy because he has a lot of love for his family and his novel Christian Nodal.

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Undoubtedly, Gizmo was the best friend and companion of the pop star during many years before he was known as “Mi Viejito”, as well as his inseparable adventures and being together with her in many turns.

Followed by one of his Instagram stories giving the music celebrity a dedicated speech to his “feel great”.

I can only say that my ojos are full of pain, your caloric is not lost on me, only quedan recuerdos that quedarán in my mind, recorded the only ones I live #Gizmo te extrañamos.

Belinda appreciates the beautiful creature the haberla accompanied for 13 years and always brindle a “unconditional love”.

Gizmo was a Chihuahua race peritone that “Beli” adored with all his courage and showed off all his images that he shared with the party, the singer shared with his followers.

Travels of the instantaneous, appreciate the large number of occasions in which the small peel in white and black protagonize the mailings volviendose tan famo as he duña.

Lamentably, due to its advanced edifice, Gizmo has presented some complications with anteriority, his health deteriorated more between 2015 and 2018, as Belinda reveals what he has acquired and includes a video in which Gizmo appears with a suero connected to one of his patients.

Pero elor de la cantante lo haría salir adelante en varias de esas crisis, al parerer vivía con un unlojado in su organan, causa por la que Belinda vivio varios momentos de mucha angustia por pensar que lo perdería, sin embargo, Gizmo pudo superar Various events have been reported that the higher the resistance, the harder it is to attack.

Hoy, Belinda enfrenta esta perdida y lo hace rindiéndole un homageje en una recopilation de todos los momentos que juntos vivieron. Travels of a series of stories the interpretation of “Utopia”, “Luz sin Gravedad” etc., Remembrance of the marvelous years of ambos.

The ex coach of “La Voz México” also dedicated some songs to the one that started the unconditional love of Gizmo and much so that he also got the consent.

También can also learn Despide Belinda the 2020 with a new image in the style “dark”

Since the connection to Gizmo, he rode Belinda’s race on one of his trips to Hong Kong, Beli paid $ 5,000 on the recommendation of one of his friends, the “mascot” tamas made it easier to transport him to any due to the fact that it was very common for it to be accompanied by the animal. ¡Descanse en paz Gizmo !.
