Belinda. The women who admire, Netflix series and the love of Nodal

Belinda get excited over the phone, share that after 10 years of being active in the series Welcome to Eden, which digs in Spain.

Not a big part of the Netflix production, because the planea estrenarse and finals de año y en la que comparte créditos con Amaia Salamanca, Lola Rodríguez and Berta Vázquez; in contrast, al hablar con M2, is that “I have a special fund to celebrate with this new experience. I always went so far as to work in Spain and now she’s not there (murió passed the 10th of February); is a form of honoring the woman he most admired and admired ”.

How is this new project?

I read at one point that I did not hope to stay in Mexico on the topic of my abuela, which I would like to fail. Fue muy curioso, because she always has the illusion that you are working here (in Spain), because this is the dedication of this project with much love.

In some cases, there are surprises that come with loads of messages …

Sí, todo se dio de una manera muy especial, no lo esperaba, sucedió, y así es la vida; for it is one who enjoys all the moments we have in order to be happy, to value ours and to be loved and to love that we do not have them for lack of time, because we are always friends.

Hay tomarnos ese respiro de recordar lo hay a nuestro alrededor y valorarlo y darle elor que necesita.

Desde niña het destacado, te het ganado el respeto en lo professional y en lo personal. In the context of 8M, what can he say next to your example?

Mujeres ejemplares en mi vida son muchas, principalmente mi abuelita, era el burgemeester ejemplo que he tenido como mujer; yo la admiraba demasiado por todo lo que logró, por la manner in que cuidó a mi abuelo todos los años de su vida, porque se dedicó a la familie y al differo tiempo trabajaba; was a very strong woman, luchona, to whom I admire and admire forever.

Obviously, my mother also because she is a big woman; ellas dos han sido los ejemplos en mi vida.

And all the women who admire him, like Jane Austen, are the writers who spearheaded the revolution of the era of romanticism in that era; she walks by man and writes some marvelous stories, like Orgullo y prejuicio.

At the moment the writers do not live well, as also sued Juana de Arco, who is another great example for all, even though the mother Teresa de Calcuta, who always laughs at her ideals and is not married, and dedicates her vida a ayudar a los demás.

There are so many women that we have many examples of life, learning and respect; really admire and respect all the women by the simple hecho of being female.

Tú también te het convertido en ejamplo para la gente que te admira y sigue tus pasos. How to taste it vieran?

It’s difficult to say, because soon it’s difficult to describe ‘in one way or another, but I like it as I am, a person with defects and virtues, but always with a good intention.

These women’s marvels are marvelous, because they are one and have their ideals and lights for those we love. But always respectful, so it is very good, the respect for the demas, to have education, with empathy.

Hoy espero dar ese ejemplo a todas las niñas que me siguen, tratar de ser positiva, una mujer trabajadora, emprenderora, con un buen exemplar, aunque no siempre sea el mejor. Although there are human and all cometemos errors, but the errors always have good luck, because always have a great appraisal.

What did you allow yourself to do in the middle of this break that we gave to covid?

To be more with my loved ones, I am allowed to grow as a human being; all in this moment hemos tocado fonda of some way. Perder a seres queridos ha sido lo más dafiquil que me ha pasado, y al mismo tiempo tener que salir adelante y trabajar en una oportunidad, en un proyecto tan bonito com el que tengo ahora.

Its important contrasts, a lost one, and also a good one that made me feel alive, its extraordinary moments, in which pierces and veins; it is difficult to sobrellevar, it means that life is complicated, you can try and moments that you do not hope; asi ha sido mi vida ultimamente y creo que la de todos. This last year we have moved a lot of things, through losses, introspection, being more than looking for personalities or more lies, because we can do nothing.

I also had time to cook. Now that you are in Spain preparing the story, the committee, the price; I like to read, write, watch movies, be with family. So disfruto mucho.

What is the musical facet ?, was it compromised by the actress?

For now, I’m super focused on the series, we’ll see if we can measure a couple of songs in history, I’m working on them.

Hice a song with Cristian (Nodal) and certainly va salir en su disco, estoy muy emocionada, porque es nuestra primera colaboración juntos, y creo que va asis a super success; it’s a marvelous song that we can pick up.

Speaking of you and your sentimental relationship is much speculated, is it the novelty ?, are you happy?

Yes, it’s always possible to have the opportunity to do what you want, to admire. We all love and be loved; and it is most convenient to share with one person your logs and vice versa; but also to the family, to the fathers, the hermanos, the abuelitos; sus abuelitos son maravillosos, yo ya no tengo abuelitos y me hacen una falta impressingante. Because I hope it will be as good as what you have, and I will not give it to all the love of the world, even if it does not happen.

