Belinda corrects a Christian Nodal by not knowing his song

Belinda y Christian Nodal he demonstrated being a couple of mucho amor, pero sobretodo very entertaining, as he was seen in the moments he shared with his followers.

One of the most recent is taking place a live transmission which hizo the pair to indicate the year, where Beli regañó a su novio by not knowing the lyrics of his song ‘Una Mamacita‘.

In the clip you can see the couple very cariñosa and singing, pero Nodal dijo “apúrale“to lie”apúrate“, by Belinda no doubt in immediate correction and read: “It’s not fair!“.

This graceful moment, revived in the fans the famous encontronazo how much you sing with them Ha * As in the program ‘Me pongo de pie‘van ahí del 2015.

In these entities Belinda made one of the invitations all come true for what Hanna and Ashley’s pupils do is a song about her, but equivocaron in the song of the song, a situation that disgusted much to Beli.

belinda vs ha as
