BÉISBOL – Toros remontan y ganan duelo de pitcheo a las Águilas

Miguel Andújar connected a victim lift to empathize and the Toros approve a mistake by the gardener Luis Liberato in the octave of the octave, which allowed him to save the career of the victor, for the Toros del Este derrotaran in a bonus duel of pitch to the Águilas Cibaeñas with a 2-1 draw, celebrating this home game at the Francisco A. Micheli Stadium.

In a duel of lancers, the robbers Raúl Valdés by Toros and Carlos Martínez by the Eagles, they offer an excellent spectacle of what the locals will do the most.

El zurdo cubano Valdés (0-0, 0-00) salió sin decisión luego de lanzar 5 solid entries in blank of 3 hits in 4 punches.

Valdés le siguieron los relevistas Fernando Rodney, quien lanzo una blanco de blos bolets y un ponche. Read Steven Wilson, who launched an episode with 2 punches. Jairo Asencio (1-0, 9.00), joins the victorious team to launch a 3-hit contest, a limp career and a punch and scorer Fernando Abad scored his first salvage of the season, launching the new entry in white with a punch.

The pitcher’s pitcher of the Toros has combined to allow only 1 career in 9 entrances while the relevant 1 annotation in the same number of episodes, limiting the Eagles to beat 8-1 in the series with corridors in the position of annotator.

The right Carlos Martínez (0-0, 0.00), salió sin decisión luego de lanzar 6 episodios en blanco de 2 treffers, 2 basse vir bolas, 6 ponches en retiró a los ultimos 13 bateadores en consecutiva.

The derrota was played by David Paulino (0-1, 18.00), who allowed 2 free throws and 2 hits, in the rhythm that resulted in a transfer in an episode in which he beat 2 batters.


At the opening of the octave entrance and with corridors in the squares, Melky Cabrera had an easy break that broke the ice for the 1-0 win over the Eagles.

Los Toros empataron las acciones en el cierre del octavo acto, cuando Miguel Andújar conectó elevado de victimicio con las basen lesen, luego Yamaico Navarro conectó elevado que no pudo manejar el jardinero derecho, lo que provoko que los locals tomen la delantera.


Including the regular series, Miguel Andújar verleng ‘n 9 on a series of hit hit games. Yamaico Navarro has been embassed in his 26 games this season. 24th series regularly and the 2nd series.

For the Toros: Miguel Andújar from 3-1 with an impulse, Yamaico Navarro from 3-0 with a producer, Jordany Valdespín from 1-1 and Jorge Mateo from 3-1 with an annotated.

For the Eagles: Luis Liberato from 3-1 with one goal, Melky Cabrera from 4-1 with one goal and Rangel Ravelo from 3-1.

The next meeting between these teams will take place on Monday 4, at the Cibao Stadium from 17:00.
