‘Being in a very strong depression’

Jacky Bracamontes is known on Mexican television for its talent, beauty and sympathy, a frontline act on the cameras; sin embargo, in the intimacy of his hogar, the conductor has tenid to release the most powerful battles of his life. During a Live called Imperables Women, organized by Telemundo, the actress who regressed to the chic panties with the telenovela the Suerte de Loli, abrió su corazón y recordó el capitulo más difikile de su vida: la huerte de su hijo Martin. How many times, the tapestry of the details of state of mind that enfrento tras the loss of his baby that I care about the same time as the birth of his primogenite, Jacky, we can record that conductora esperaba mellizos.

Jacky Bracamontes's Instagram photoVER GALLERY


Sincera, Jacky habló of the sad episode that the lion discovers his inner fortune: “To me, the most expensive golpe I have ever had, I have lost my baby, when Jacky was embarrassed, my first embarrassment, eran un niño y una niña. In week 34 received contractions; in summaries, the baby has a failed baby when you accept the contractions and by that you accept the contractions, but do not know, a los 3 días que nace mi hija. Fue un golpe muy duro, o see, en ese momento, me puse tan mal que my tuvieron que dormir when he was standing in the chirophone, ”Jacky said.

Jacky Bracamontes de su hija JackytaVER GALLERY

Continuing to tell the story of the last months of the party: “When Martin came to me, I was also very important to him in the process of doing so, and I explained what he had done, yo creo que fui a la parte más oscura que pudiera yo haber experimentado, lloré mucho durante, o sea, seguido, casi un mes sin parar, todos los días. For another lady, I had the illusion that my Jacky, who was in intensive therapy, had all the days to lose, to eat, but stay in a very strong depression. I asked: ¿because what happened to me ?, ¿For what murió mi hijo?, ¿For what a mí?”, Recorded.

Do you think that I changed my way of thinking that commenced to see the light at the end of the tunnel: “One person told me: ‘Jacky has to say for what?, More well for what?, Change the question’, obviamente, pasé por altos y bajos, leí libros, platiqué con personas, psychologos, uno trata de encontrar la form de salir adelante”. With the passing of time, the conductor commenced and gave an explanation as follows: “Uno, para valorar la vida de mi hija. I’m feeling like this baby wine and salvarle the life to me Jacky because, long ago, if Jacky had sex alone and I had sex like this, entonces, Jacky would not be in this world ”.

Jacky Bracamontes with his five hats VER GALLERY

The love of his family, his best medicine

The tapestry admits that it made the love masters of the suyos the ones who helped to make it stand out: “To me my ayudó mucho el cariño de mi familia que stuvo ahí, de Martín que stuvo al lado mío. I’ve been living and talking about these points of pain that you never thought I existed, so I believe I have an improbable woman. Mira, I have nothing to think about but I want to lose ”. Ultimately, Jacky revealed that, having not passed through that painful experience, he thought of writing the new cigarette: “And there is something to say, Emilia and Paula do not live in my life if this baby is pregnant, because you have not been vaccinated by another baby, entonces, esa es otra razon por la que se fue (…) Hoy por hoy, mi vida no seria la misma si esas dos chiquititas ne estuvieran aquí. Todas las noches le pedimos al angelito del cielo a mi Martincito que cuide a mis hijas y que nos cuide a nosotras”, Finalizó.
