Because only 15 minutes of walking time in nature has the potential to change everything | Ejercicio Físico | Buenavida

Camino on board of an acantilado. Observe the impression of a dark blue pantry, this case black. I post in front of a centenary year, high and round, onontbeerlik. My pierdo (or me dejo perder) by a natural transmitter that has never been transited. It’s too late, but it’s good. A rare measure that receives the number of accommodation. Do not appear in any of Mr Wonderful’s words: “Stay tuned! He can be a great day ”. But it is one of them emotion positive, according to the star of the celebrity psychologist Robert Plutchik: a mix de miedo, surpresa y deleite. Now there are scientists who have studied it, and we think we have the opportunity to learn more about it. Much more. Lo llaman walkway.

Virginia Sturm, Associate Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry at the University of California at one of the study’s authorities, which is published in Emotion, advance by electronic mail: “The sobriety is an emotion that responds to the immense things that we can do immediately”. And what is good cultivar for? “I hope that what we call ‘yo pequeño’, which means as something diminished before the world knows what we mean. In this form, you are more connected. Everything is important that we give to our different decrees, from the way we convert to the part of one all. We mourn the ombligo and we pay attention to the demas, as it promotes humility, generosity and bondage ”, responds.

In his investigation, he created groups of steps, one of control and another that was animated by a forest unveiled for them. The second ones are more social and happy, recognizing sentiments that are not rosy, “like the composition, the admiration or the more detained in the details of the adventure”. Although Sturm and his team work alone with 60-year-olds, the neuropsychologist considers that the edad is irrelevant.

Ni siquiera is obligatory to walk on the camp to overtake: “La naturaleza it is a great medium for experimentation, but for art, religion or collective actions, as well as the concerts, also their sites in which they are stored. Includes a family home, scrubbing the details of a plant or a shed in a nearby yard. The key is to approve our sentiment of the infantile asomb and treat us as our rod with new ones ”. So, at least 15 minutes into the match, he said. And you can intentionally accompany him. “The participants in our study hiccup solo, but if anything they can distract from the presence of the demas, there is no problem in connecting with others”, says Sturm.

Who dice caminar, dice correr, montar en bici, hacer pilates …

Marcos Flórez, director of the web of personal trainers at domicile, acknowledges that, in a nutshell, the aspirant would call the call and leave a line of characters in chandeliers during the last days of the confinement. Some move with more sharpness, others with less (because, by grace, pay false deportation monitors have the power to lower the legs, lament), but all intentional to take some of them in their most close zone.

The exteriors, sean impressive woods or no, are standing big allies in the pandemic: a recent information from the Ministry of Recalculation Science the need to potentiate life to free air. Listen well, launch to the calle y mazarse geen es todo uno. “Training with gym machines can be used by women who are empowered by force majeure, who has control over the movement and is mayor. In addition, the work of concrete corporate segments, very necessary in the recovery process of a lesion “, notes Ignacio Hernando Valle, co-director of the training staff Nachos con Fitness. A small measure: the calf is our friend for all cases (protégés, sobrecogernos, entrenarnos …), but always has a good excuse to pee in the gym, even if bushes are given in shape.

Experts say that there is a degree of mental well-being in women who are self-sufficient in free air; in many cases, personal trainer. “We have seen create our demand,” Flórez announced. Among the activities that are most performed at the Techen and Paredes show, a Pilates class, for example, “any other that does not require a lot of material and does not require public access”, says the director of . Hernando Valle contributes to the development of time in the biosaludable parks (yes, they have circuits and gymnasium devices). “In the Mayor of the cases caricature information to use the machine correctly”, advised. Porque —insisten— salir a la calle a sudar no es jauja. “Where else did we go through the confinement? How to increase the lesions, ”recalls the expert.

The outdoor activities of the exterior, as corrected, fast-paced, patinated or mounted in bicycles, are all a new part of the salute, when sewing with cabeza. And yes, there are some monotonous bushes for those who want to catch up, they also have this moment of so much extra money. “Participants in the walkthrough of the auxiliary team are informed of major levels of diversity in their posterior diary areas that are part of the control group. We think that it is good for global health, it will help the people to feel more connected and less sunny and stressed, ”said the investigator. Y si encima hasies piernas …
