Beatriz Luengo koop en defensa de Yotuel luego de que el gobierno cubano lo llamara “jinetero”

1 | 19/02/2021 – 20:22 (GMT-4)

The Spanish song Beatriz Luengo, by the Cuban artist Yotuel Romero, salió en defensa de su pareja luego de que funcionarios del goberno de Cuba lo llamaran “jinetero”, as part of the multiple attacks that launched officialism against the song Patria y Vida y sus interpret.

Cuba’s governor calls ‘jinetero’ to Yotuel for being married and Spanish. Ya le insultó llamándole ‘negrito limpiabotas’. Esto no definieer’n Yotuel, señores del gobierno de Cuba. Esto los defines a ustedes that he has nothing more to say than a man whose only name is music, art and representation for his people “, Luengo wrote in his Instagram profile.

The same actress assures that even though she likes to have a life together with her family and dedicate herself to her career, “she does not allow the insult to her family or the injustice” and “dies with the person equated with the child”.

Luengo, in addition to being a member of the Cuban artist, is very fond of Cuba for his music and mainly for his series A step forward, dijo que compartió desa degradable notice in sus sociales para que todas las personas que la siguen des diferentes lugares del mundo vean de lo que es capaz el gobierno cubano contra alguien que solo esta eerciendo su derecho a la libertad de expressione.

“What you have done is defamation with despicable and racist remarks and comments. I will change my mind and do not need to invent anything of my life, simply count that people live in the people for whom you are rabbis”, sostuvo.

“Y miren como es LA VERDAD de grande y maravillosa que on solande han compartido la canción des European Parliament sino que todos los medios a nivel mundial, las listas de musicand las lagrimas de los cubanos avalan las palabras de @yotuel @gentedezona @ I’m gustaría saber qué les avala ustedes “, subrayó.

The offense referred to by Beatriz Luengo, “jinetero”, was published in the speeches of the Cuban War, an incognito character who acts as an official of officialism and defeats defamation campaigns, chisels and offenses to Cubans representing a goosebumps , to defend and express his ideas and demand his rights.

Maykel Osorbo’s publication of “delincuente”, Gente de Zona de “gentuza” ya Descemer Bueno de “drogadicto” and indicates that “Dios los crea y el jinetero los une” with an image of Yotuel de fondo, quien fue el main organizer the Patria y Vida.

The publication of the Guerrero was shared by partisans of the Cuban regime, officials and including the Director of Communications of the Ministry of Culture, Alexis Triana.

In the wake of the attacks by the Cuban government and the official media, which intend to send the message of the song and defame its exponents, Patria y Vida ha tenido un exito rotundo, y and the menos of 72 horas and the video recording of the YouTube version on YouTube and impulsive a ret in social speeches, though many shared his photos with the phrase written in their corpses.

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