Be more careful: The self-compression increases your well-being – Salud y Bienestar

It has been demonstrated that self-composition promotes healthy living styles and favors more positive psychological states.

The concept of self-composition tiende to interpret different forms. Its significance in psychology has to do with the ability to be more critical and more indulgent with our own mistakes, which allows a more realistic vision of our situation.

Self-compassion implies empathy, being lovable with our own mistakes, criticizing and judging by mistakes, allowing ourselves to be motivated, being preoccupied with the excess of the phrase and the phrase in which we must do.

Represents a skill of reflexive and nutritional emotional intelligence. Allow us to embrace a space for the knowledgeable, careful and important that we all succeed. Travels of her, we will have the miracle about us together.

It is always possible to get what we want and match the expectations that we have. For this, when we accept that reality appears the supremacy in the form of stress, frustration and self-criticism.

On the contrary, if we accept this reality as part of the dynamics of the life of all being human, we will experience positive emotions, as well as the composition, that we will see in any situation in a more effective way.

The lack of composition with our same
If we do not compose our own names, it is possible that we will try the following:

Rabia and failure to connect with our same as derivatives in Islam.
Irresponsibility: treat yourself as a victim of property fraud. We have a vision of life in white and black, without mats, and great difficulty in accepting that we have the ability to generate changes in the present that, in reality, depends solely on us.

Meaning: it is the feeling of incapacity and vulnerability that comes with the language and the verbal expression that it denotes.
Desperation: if we fail to enjoy the moment and think that we will have the best things.

Sin rumbo: we feel lost. Geen encontramos el sentido de la vida nie.

As a result of the autocompensation we often find it difficult to experience, it is possible to get the most out of it and that we will be helping each other through similar situations in the future.

Composition and self-composition
The composition consists of the perception of the supremacy of the other, by means of an open activity, without judging the experience. In addition to perceiving the supremacy, it is necessary to act on the same and take the initiative of aliviarlo.

Composition is the ability to offer amiability to anyone who suffers, performing the man to whom it is necessary, because it involves involving mistakes and disabilities.

Autocomposition is this act of helping and condescending, but directing us to our own. We can extend it from the following elements.

Ability, which appears as the ability to be compassionate and empathetic with our different feelings when we feel inadequate, incompetent, assertive, etc.

Humanity. In order to avoid Islam when it comes to supremacy, think that many people pass through the same situation, and understand that mistakes, imperfections and pain are part of Experience and being human.

Full attention. The ability to observe briefly our experiences of objective form, without juices of value. To live from a balanced perspective haci the emotions, without negating the pain and tampoco identifying only with them.

Self-compassion is highly related to resilience, which is the ability to overcome trauma and get rid of them. For this, take the capacity of squid, recognize the mistakes and learn from them.
In turn, it is related to emotional well-being, optimism, satisfaction with life, autonomy and sabiduria, and contributes to the reduction of prestige, stress and pride.

Car Compensation Benefits
In the process of self-compassion, we can strike a balance between the path that we take when we have a high level of demand and critique that we have our own, when things are not as clear as the self-help that helps to promote empathy. , in the case of critics when we are overwhelmed or when we feel that we have failed.and that we are impressed, that we increase our feelings of frustration and incompetence.

When the things in our halls well, mediate an act of autoschucha, in which we lament the thoughts of guilt and the juices.

People with high self-esteem levels have a better perspective on their problems, if they are less able and able to experiment with a reduction in the speed of the car and an increase in the awareness of their problems.

Self-compassion allows for a greater maneuver of negative thoughts with the development of emotional regulation. We also increase positive emotions and help establish social feelings and satisfaction with life.

It is possible to maintain an adequate perspective and mayor cognitive flexibility that has a greater capacity for adaptation to the changes.
Self-care is synonymous with self-care. We will not forget, we will not give to a lad. It depends on our psychological well-being and our strength.
By Miguel Ángel Rizaldos for La Mente es Maravillosa.-
