Be happy! Telemundo term with the program A New Day

Be happy!  Telemundo term with the program A New Day

Be happy! Telemundo ends with the program A New Day. (Photo: Un Nuevo Día-Instagram)

The popular program A New Day from the Telemundo chain saldrá del aire, to pass the acclaimed show matutino Hay.

These jewels are known to know that A New Day At the end of the day, fast trackers from this space will be asked what happens to the program leaders.

Appearance the court of the substitute of A New Day will be more informative than review, as well as soles, then agree on the same page of Telemundo the info will be “First News” next to the iconic lema “Las Cosas Como Son”. Today you will find new cars, featuring Nicole Suárez, Arantxa Loizaga and Nacho Lozano. Chef Alfredo Oropeza will continue as well as meteorologist Carlos Robles.

Without embarrassment, the new cars will accompany the company to the late Latin conductor, Adamari López who debuted at A New Day in 2012, as well as the famous conductor Stephanie Himonidis, better known as Chiquibaby, the celebrities conductors and ‘rostros’ of the exit program the area of ​​entertainment.

The new program “will change the rumor of your blogs with a new show that will be practical, useful, dynamic, informative and clear that will entertain”, following an Instagram post where you can connect with the new integrators.

For his part, Telemundo’s vice president said: “Today is a time to take a vacation for Latinos who are looking for useful news and information to start and plan their day, related to a family-friendly format”.

What do fans think of the end of A New Day?

The followers of A New Day does not share the taste for the new version of Telemundo.

“Everything comes to mind”, “All good things are done”, “The same program has only different numbers”, “We take the ones that do not exist”, are some of the phrases that show the discount for canceling the program.

Critics of new conductors do not hesitate to hope. The new conductors ‘do not appear’ to the followers of the Spanish program ‘All blanks, rubies and delgados’, ‘because the Venezuelan accent does not tend’.

Otros más, aprovecharon para mistros su descontento por la salida de conductor que tuvieron que dejar program et pasado año.

“This program is full of abrasion without Rashel (Diaz), Chef James and Daniel Sarcos”, “you would like to suck the best”, “ahorita sacan Adamari López… as the hiccup a Rashel”, just some of the phrases that show the descent.
