BBWAA Appeals to Baseball Hall of Fame Board to Hold Curt Schilling on 2022

Curt Schilling should remain in the Baseball Hall of Fame vote next year despite his request to be removed, the Baseball Writers’ Association of America said Wednesday in its recommendation to the Hall’s board of directors.

“It is the view of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America that Mr. Schilling’s request to remove himself from the ballot is a violation of the rules set forth by the Board of Directors of the National Baseball Hall of Fame, instructing the BBWAA to conduct the annual election, specifically the following: ‘The duty of the screening committee is to compile a ballot paper which is eligible in alphabetical order for candidates who (1) received a ballot on a minimum of five percent (5%) of the votes cast in the preceding election or (2) for the first time and are nominated by two of the six members of the BBWAA Screening Committee. ‘

“Mr Schilling met both of these requirements and must remain on the ballot for consideration by the voting body for what would be his final year at the BBWAA vote in 2022. The Hall of Fame dedicated the BBWAA to the voters in 1936 “This association has complied with the rules for 85 years and will continue to do so. The BBWAA is appealing to the board to reject Mr Schilling’s request,” said BBWAA secretary / treasurer Jack O ‘Connell said in a statement.

Schilling, a six-time All-Star over 20 seasons with the Baltimore Orioles, Houston Astros, Philadelphia Phillies, Arizona Diamondbacks and Boston Red Sox, was the leading voting star in the 2021 class with 285 votes, but with 71.8% of the vote he did not reach the 75% threshold to get elected to the Hall of Fame. After the vote totals were announced, Schilling shared on Facebook on Tuesday that he had written a letter to the Hall of Fame on Monday asking to be removed from the vote in 2022.

“I will not take part in the last year of voting. I request to be removed from the vote. I will take part in the veterans committee and men whose opinions actually matter and are able to judge a player, point out, “Schilling said. wrote. “I do not think I am a hall of fame as I have often said, but if former players think I am, I will accept it with honor.”

Schilling saw its voting share rise from 45% in 2017 to 70% last year. Historically, most players who reach the 70% level eventually get enough support to land in Cooperstown. However, it seems that the setback against Schilling’s comments on public and social media is limiting his support.

Among Schilling’s more controversial statements was a 2016 tweet, which was later deleted, in which he apparently endorsed the line of journalists. More recently, Schilling has voiced support for the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol – although the authors’ ballots were submitted before that date.

In addition, Schilling was fired by ESPN as a baseball analyst after posting a derogatory message on social media about transgender people. This follows his previous suspension by the network after he compared extremist Muslims to Nazis in a message on social media.

“I can say at this point that I am mentally finished. I know math and I know trends and I know I will not reach the 75% threshold for induction,” Schilling wrote in his letter. “As I have often said in recent years to those with whom I have spoken in my heart, I am at peace. Nothing, zero, and none of the claims made by any of the writers deserve merit.”

“Whatever mine is as a player, that will be the truth, and one that I have earned for better or worse,” he continued. “The game made it clear he did not want me back and that’s good, the game owes me absolutely nothing. It gave a billion times more than it cost, and I will forever be deeply guilty of it. . “

Jane Forbes Clark, chairwoman of the Hall of Fame board, said in a statement Tuesday that the board would consider Schilling’s request “at our next meeting.”

The Associated Press contributed to this report.
