Bayern pierde 1 of every 10 games Can Tigers have a new value?

El Bayern munich did not have a temporary trope zone, like the one Tigs I hope to own the nearest jewels, but these are some very special ones for the Bavarian team.

The German team joins Tuca Ferretti’s team with apenas 3 derrotas in los 31 partidos de lo que lleva en su año futbolístico. As well as the Final of the World Cup in Qatar, not only the Champions League champions are also the same as the club that has a better result in the Group Stages of this competition, with 5 triumphs in only 1 empate, for summer 16 points and a difference of goals of +13.

El Atlético de Madrid fue the only team that can score points by the empate 1-1 in December passed in the stadium of the colchoneros. This has been one of the empathetic four of Bayern in the season in all the competencies, because the rest he has 24 triumphs and 3 derrotas.


One of these ultimate fue forgonzosa pork the Holstein of the Second German Division the four days of the tournament of the Copa the 13th of January, if the game ends well 2-2 in regular time and derrota the sufrieron los bávaros ya in penales.

This time, el Holstein empatho at minute 90 and mantuvo the igualada in extra time, pese a que en la cancha ya estaba Robert Lewandowski, quien había sido guardado initimentment en la banca. Asia, the Bavarians were eliminated in the second round of the Copa, lo que no sucedía desde 2001.

Antes de esa derrota, sin the first match ante Hoffenheim on September 27, 2020, when the match ended in a 4-1 goal. Después, the second team that will draw the champions of the Champions League against Borussia Monchengladbach on January 8 in a big duel that ended 3-2.

Ahí en fuera, los equipos que le han hecho partido y al menos le han sacado el empate han sido el meniona Athletes and Champions, as well as the Werder Bremen, the Leipzig and the Union Berlin.

Sondeverbod, if his first part of the football season is premonitorial, Tigers will be very cautious, then Bayern started with 8-0 in the Bundesliga on September 18 in front of Schalke 04.

Tras ello ganó la European Super Cup in Seville, la Supercopa de Alemania al Dortmund, in order to get the players to win the third trophy of the football year
