‘Batwoman’ Showrunner on Kate Kane’s rearrangement

DESTROYER WARNING: Do not read if you have not yet watched “Survived Much Worse”, the eighth episode of “Batwoman” Season 2.

In the summer of 2020 after it was announced that Ruby Rose will be leaving the ‘Batwoman’ of the CW, in which she played the title role, Caroline Dries appears posted a short note on social media promised that she would not kill the character. Now, after only the eighth episode of the second season, the proof that Kate is alive, even if it is not good, is a quick recording of her at the end of the episode titled ‘Survived Much Worse’.

Wales Day, perhaps so far best known for a role in another DC property, Syfy’s short-lived “Krypton”, will take over the role of Kate and repeat her own storyline for the rest of the second season.

‘We tease to see her in a bit [Episode] 209 and we realize that someone has a plan for her and that the plan will have a dramatic impact on Kate Kane’s life, ‘says Dries Variety.

While Kate was seen on her face with a band, it was an emotional enough revelation on its own, but it got an extra wall in the form of right, after the new Batwoman Ryan Wilder (Javicia Leslie) and Kate’s sister Alice (Rachel Skarsten) ends up with the fact that Kate was probably dead.

‘The first half [of the season was] our characters hope and learn that she can still live, try to find out where she is and then realize, ‘Oh no, she’s dead. This allows them to close the chapter and move on without Kate’s shadow dominating every thought. This gives our batting team the chance to grow and find a cause that is specific to them, ‘says Dries. ‘We start Episode 9 with a very nice funeral for Kate. The characters have to go through their sadness – and I’m not saying you mourn in a month, but that does not show us that everyone is crying asleep in every scene. And it felt like we owed it to our characters to give them a break. ‘

In ‘Survived Much Worse’, Ryan expressed some concern about her place as Batwoman, should she succeed in finding Kate alive and returning her home. But now that she believes Kate is dead, Ryan will have to decide what kind of Batwoman she wants to be in the long run.

‘This is a woman who took everything good in her life away from her, and I think in the back of her mind, she always thought that Batwoman’s legacy would be taken away from her too, but now she realizes it is not, Says Dries.

“What does that mean? Instead of keeping the suit warm, who am I as Batwoman? Who am I as Ryan Wilder? It’s really going to galvanize her to find out what stamp she’s going to make on the symbol, what stamp she’s on. the city will make, “she continues.” Taking crime off the street is one thing, but how can we put good in the street too? “

Ryan begins by compiling a list of ‘Bat Rules’ for the team that she will also follow, a preview of Dries. (Hence the ninth installment title, “Rule No. 1.”) But as they move on, the audience will watch a parallel story where ‘this modified version of Kate’ is brought through the speaker.

Dries calls Kate’s journey ‘complicated, mysterious, tough’ and notes that what she went through changed her personality as well as her appearance. The character has always been ‘incredibly complicated’, she says, but now there are additional multiple layers to her, which has made the search for the right actor to step into the role complex as well.

After Rose left the program, Dries threatened her to recreate her immediately, but eventually changed her mind and decided to introduce a new character – Ryan, because she thought it was an awkward transition between Season 1 and Season 2 would have been we just transformed Kate, with no organic story behind it, ”she says. But in the back of her mind, she always intended to bring her back in a new way, as she did not kill the character.

In May 2020, Day, whose other TV credits include ‘Jekyll and Hyde’, ‘Casanova’ and ‘The Royals’, soon to appear in the feature film’ Infinite ‘, tweeted that playing Batwoman’ would be a dream job . Less than a year later, she will make her debut in this role. She is picked up by Hamilton and UTA.

“Batwoman” airs Sunday at 8pm on The CW.
