Battlefield 6 unveils next spring, will support more players than ever before

As part of Electronic Arts’ earnings report, the company shared some details about the upcoming Battlefield game. Management said the match would provide ‘military warfare’ and support more players than ever before for the Battlefield series.

The current player limit for Battlefield is 32 v 32, so this new Battlefield game will probably offer something more. EA also said the new Battlefield game would offer more player agency, but the company did not elaborate on what that means.

Plus, this new game follows in front of EA’s own internal milestones. EA Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen said the new game will reach full feature status faster than any other Battlefield game in franchise history.

This new game, whatever is finally mentioned, is expected to be announced in the spring of 2021 before being released in the 2021 holiday season. EA CEO Andrew Wilson has said that this new Battlefield game will take full advantage of the PS5 and Xbox Series X. while trying to usher in a new era for the Battlefield series.

Here is EA’s full commentary on the new Battlefield game:

“We look forward to sharing much more about our FY22 plan in the coming months, including our next battlefield experience, which will be a return to overall military warfare. The game takes full advantage of the power of the next generation. create massive and immersive battles with more players than ever before.With maps of unprecedented scale, Battlefield’s next vision takes all the destruction, player agency and vehicle and weapon battles for which the franchise is known, and elevates it to another “The team is focused and the game is in front of our internal milestones. We will reveal the game in the spring and provide the decisive Battlefield experience for our players during the 2021 holiday season.”
