gets a nicer look

The new launcher showing the new game library view.

Blizzard and Activision’s game launcher,, has not won a “Sleek and Nice to Navigate” award over the years. Blizzard has started implementing an update that could change that, as it will get the older client up and running in a neat 2.0.

Announced on Blizzard’s website, 2.0 is not a world away from its predecessor, but I’m definitely a fan of the way games are displayed at the top of a row, as opposed to a long list which runs to the left. The new library view also looks beautiful with the ability to filter games. I’m really excited about these filters people.

It also uses space better in general. If you choose a game in the old client, you get small infoboxes surrounded by vanity. It’s nice to see that the gaps are now filled with big news pages and colorful images.

The new homepage of the launcher.

One of the most annoying things about the old launcher was the separation from the social panel, which means you have to scroll through windows to see what your partner is doing. Now all these things are neatly integrated on the right side. A big thumb away from me.

Blizzard has also improved accessibility, which means you can navigate most of the app with your keyboard. Screen reader support has also been added.

Here is a quick comparison between the two:

If we both look at each other, the old client looks really outdated, doesn ‘t it? I can not get over that unused space, gah.

The new patch will first roll out in North America and arrive in other regions in the next few weeks.

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