Barcelona receive a palace in the Spanish League before receiving from PSG; Messi marcó dos golazos – Diez

El Barcelona goal 5-1 al Alavés and recover the second place provisional of the champion, but can not reach the ladder Athletic, which was imposed by 2-1 on his dismissal and Granada.

Review the table of positions of the football of Spain

With doubles of the Portuguese Francisco Trincao (29 y 74) y del argentino Lionel Messi (45 + 1 y 75) y otro tanto del dominicano Júnior Firpo (80), the Catalan team cello triunfo sencillo. Mientras que Luis Jesús Rioja marcó el tanto vitoriano (57).

This victory in a moral and confidence injection for the team of Ronald Koeman, which the Martes receive to PSG in the idea of ​​the final octaves of the Champions League.

With his aunts, Messi now it’s just a matter of catching up with your friends Suarez in the table of maximum goalscorers of the Spanish champion. The captain marks a pair of joys from the area’s fire that serve per meter of help to the Parisian team, which will not have many opportunities if they want to sell with the ark in close proximity.

Peru the triumph not allowed the azulgranas to record the event with respect to the leader Athletic.

The Argentine Angel Correa to the tune of the victory to the colchoneros at the stadium of Los Cármenes, in the 75th minute, with a cruising victory over the receipt of Marcos Llorente, who hailed the first goal of the Madrilenians, in the 63rd, with a race goal from the area’s fair.

Laporta announces como convener ‘n Messi in Barcelona

Between the media, the Granada habia igualado provisionalmente in el 66 por medie del venezolano Yangel Herrera, with a disparate crossing over a visiting defender’s defender in a sack.

With 54 points, el Athletic is now with even more Barcelona y Real Madrid, who received the domingo al Valencia, and with a cloud of wind over the Seville, which derrotó by the minimum to the colista Huesca.

How did you get to the nearest rival of Barcelona?

Without its game creators, the lesions Neymar y Ángel Di María, el PSG won 2-1 al Niza, situándose líder voorlopig a tres días de viajar a la Ciudad Condal par disputar la ida de octavos de Champions.

Julian Draxler abrió the marker in the first part (minute 22) and tras the descending equal Rony Lopes (50).

The Italian delantero Moise Cain (76) dio la victoria al PSG, which is located at 54 points, the same as the Lille, which the domingo receives from Brest.
