Bárbara De Regil reveals the infinity that passes through a small aesthetic surgery

Bárbara De Regil is characterized by sharing, through the multiple publications that have in its social speeches, the importance of love love and self-acceptance; without embarrassment he has his physical impression on him always feels good with his body.

Posted by various videos shared on his official Instagram account, the actress confessed that during his adolescence I feel very insecure with his aspect, that he has to go back to the bistro and make one bust increase: “When I was a teenager, I was called ‘La plana’ because I had no children, I was traumatized and I felt very insecure. When I was born, I had the first opportunity to do that, I met a chirophone to operate the bubbles ”, dijo.

But not everything worked out well, as the doctor who operated on it implants used, the one who uses serious complications in the salute of the protagonist of ‘Rosario Tijeras’, because he has to intervene, again, in emergence: “When I had surgery, I was recovering and the doctor told me ‘I will not create what I found … my implants are used'” confesó De Regil.

Bárbara De Regil

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Bárbara también relatô que para arreglar todo el daño que tenía en su cuerpo tuvo que ser sometida a cuatro cirugías y pese a las multiples cicatrices que estas le dejaron, lo que más valora ahora es su vida y su salud: “You have a lot of infections, the surgeries are to be reconstructed, scarred, so many things that make me very nervous”.

Barbara actress

Through this experience, the también fitness coach also developed a tremendous effort by the chiropractor, for which he wanted to take some aesthetic treatment; although, recalculation is not against which women will return to them: “I do not have the surgeries, I have a mountain of pain, as if I could imagine it. Of the surgeons left out, no one, no matter, much of me went to a surgery. But I know families and friends who are happy with expert people and everything is for sale ”, deduction.

Barbara De Regil surgery

Also: Así lucía Bárbara de Regil de mamá con tan sólo 16 jaar
