Bankruptcy Leopoldo Blanco, cantante de Los Blanco

Leopoldo Blanco Los Blanco
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The song, timbalero and Zulian music Leopoldo Blanco went bankrupt on January 8 for complications of covid-19, reviewed in the media Barquisimeto News.

The finals of 2020 Blanco will be announced in the Maracaibo University Hospital for Cardiologist Problems. In December, the coronation operation was carried out by the family to launch a campaign to raise the necessary funds for their recovery. During his stay at the hospital, some relevant tests and positive for coronavirus were performed.

Leopoldo, with his men Bernardo, Ramy, Ricardo and Cecilio, was reconciled with the musical group that debuted in 1965 with the number Los Blanco. Juntos marks an era in full success and the eye of tropical Caribbean music in the decade of the 70s. Their excituses are becoming more popular all over Colombia in Venezuela.

In the last few years Blanco dedicated his life to the divulgation of musical acervo of the well-known grouping and other Venezuelan musicians of the tropical tropics. It has a large repertoire of topics that it has shared in its radial program on the Fe y Alegría chain, in its Maracaibo broadcast.

Tocaba el timbal, campana, participaba en los coros y le puso voz a recordados temas. Between “Qué muchacho”, “La avispa”, “Una noche de ilusión” and “La minifalda” there were some of them hits more sonados.

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