Bandec magnetic cards will be offered every month in April

Cuba News

The institutional strategy is to incentivize the electronic payment media

Bandec magnetic cards will be offered every month in April

Magnetic cards from Bandec will be offered every month in April. (Photo: Periódico Cubano)

Some of the bank account holders in the Bank of Credits and Commerce of Cuba (BANDEC) who associate magnetic cards receive a bonus on their electronic payments during the month of April.

According to information on Bandec’s Twitter account, each of them achieves its magnetic cards with a bonus of 4% of the total payment. The institutional strategy is to incentivize these means of payment through the electronic bank.

At the moment of payment, the user can work through the Point of Sale Terminals (TPV or POS) and online tenders, such as Yours, between others. Sondeverbod, geen todas las tarjetas seran beneficiad con este descuento

Bandec magnetic cards with discount of 4% on electronic pages

The 8 initial numbers of the cards should be:

  • 9200 0699
  • 9204 0699
  • 9206 0699
  • 9224 0699

Many Cubans are queuing up on Bandec’s Twitter account. The reason is that many tends to disqualify the POS in order to execute the payments. Some times the team is rotten and in the majority of the occasions have no connection with the red bank.

Types of bank cards issued by Bandec

Bandec issues a label specifically called Bandec and which is associated with a Cuban Peso account (CUP). Dicha will be issued to all employees of state-owned enterprises as a means of payment of wages, and its use is very extended to pay for the annuities of the working world.

It can also be applied for by natural persons as a stopwatch, and there is a requirement for working conditions on the property as well as the transporters. It is the Cuban state that controls the consumption of goods and the goods of this sector.

A second type of Bandec card is related to the “collaborators”, such Cubans that the Governor mandated to complete mission to the extraterrestrial (generally medical). These suelen cards will have a mayoral discount at the time of realization. Before the monetary order is in CUC, it has already been converted to CUP.

Ultimately, the Multi Banca card is intended for Cuban natural persons residing in the country or in the country that is associated with the Red Debit cards in Bandec’s success rates.
