Bancos de Florida le cierran cuentas al expresidente Donald Trump

FLORIDA, ESTADOS UNIDOS.-Dos de las cuentas del expresidente Donald Trump wat gevestig en el banco de Florida Banks United fueron cerradas, así lo detail de financial institution.

The bank does not detail that the obedient owner to the disturbances that protagonist a group of “trumpeters” in the seat of Congress off Washington, in those who murmuron five persons.

“I do not have any deposit relationship with you”, manifesto Banks United.

LEA: Nancy Pelosi sends accusation against Trump in Senado on Monday

Cabe resaltar that other banking entities and jijeron that will close the accounts of the exmandatario tras the asalto to Capitolio.

National media reported Trump’s other accounts at the Professional Bank, also in Florida, state that it was its official residence since 2019 and that regressed to the markets passed since the end of the presidential term of four years.
