Banco Metropolitano launches its own mobile application, which includes Transfermovil features

Cuba News

The computer tool is available at the Apklis store

Banco Metropolitano launches its own mobile application, which includes Transfermovil features

Banco Metropolitano launches its own mobile application, which includes Transfermovil features. (Photo: Periódico Cubano)

The Cuban Metropolitan Bank has launched its own application for mobile phones, including the features that Transfermóvil has – the application developed by Etecsa and which maintains the duopoly with Cuba’s electronic commerce.

Banmet’s computer science only will boet informatief. Following information provided on the YouTube channel of the banking institution that only has a presence in La Habana, the apk can be consulted on the applications of the banking and automated cash registers, as well as the payment of calendar payments on anniversaries of social security and know the principal via contacts with the bank.

Banmet can be downloaded in version 1.0 from the Apklis Mobile Applications Release. Dicha apk was disenfranchised by the University of Computer Science and “offered rapid access to information”.

An important aspect to be discussed is the Banmet section where its customers can inform about the monetary and exchange order complex that is in force in Cuba since the first half of January.

However, the rest of the Cuban banks are updating the operating limits on the automatic and electronic cash registers debited in the monetary order.

Automatic lockers:

  • Maximum daily limit: 15 million pesos
  • Limit per operation: 5 million pesos
  • Number of operations: about 10 diary operations

Channels of electronic pages (TPV, Transfermóvil, Enzona):

  • Maximum daily limit: 30 million pesos
  • Limit per operation: 30 million pesos
  • Number of operations: about 20 diary operations

ETECSA updates Transfermóvil to include services of the Metropolitan Bank

Among the new features of version 1.210106 is the inclusion of the access to manage bank accounts corresponding to Banco Metropolitano, which has the exclusive presence of La Habana.

In this form, the customers of the Banca Móvil del Banco Metropolitano service convert the billing points to the CUC (Cuban Pesos) to Cuban Pesos (CUP); open deposits to places fijos and also cerrarlos, a vez lo decide el titular. All without the need to act in the banking sector.
