Banco Metropolitano clarifies error that reflects millions of CUC in the bank accounts of the Cubans

| 20/08/2021 – 20:04 (GMT-4)

The Cuban Metropolitan Bank declares its players the CUC millionaires who reflect on the accounts Cuban bankers this week will have a system error and no real balance will be established.

In an official note posted by the organization on Facebook, it explains that the automatic mechanism designed to convert CUC account balances to CUP is 1×24 as part of the Planning Order was the cause of the problem.

“As part of the Mediums inside the Tarea Ordenamiento, from the 1st of January of 2121, the balances of the accounts in CUC of the TCP are converted into CUP to the type of cambio of 1 x 24. With the aim of processing the Operations in transit due to obligations and counterclaims by workers on account before the first day of 2021, the Bank designed an automatic mechanism that allows these operations in CUC to carry out the new account in CUP with a maximum of 90. that is the end of the program, “explains the note.

“From the 1st of April, April 2021, due to an error in this process, the limit approved for this type of operation is displayed, only the option of” Consult All Cents “option in Banca Móvil”, subtitles.

Without embarrassment, it states the entity, “it limits no amount available to the customer, registered in its Customs States to not establish a real balance. There is no risk that it will be used in any banking or merchant operation”.

Asegura, además, que en la mañana de este jueves el error fue subsanado.

The transcendence shows that some Cubans amassed with an unpaid balance in their accounts that exceeded the CUC million.

Through social media speeches, various media outlets explain that there is talk of erroneous maneuvers associated with the so-called “economic order” and the conversions that appear in the money exchange process.

The bank staff recommends that customers do not pay their balances until it is clarified.

It is not the first time that there has been an outstanding debit error in Cuban banks, which automated systems will not be secure.

March Principles, the Independent Medium 14 years medio informs that a technical problem has affected the balance of the accounts in national currency and divisions of the customers of the Bank of Credit and Commerce (Bandec) and the Popular Bank of Ahorro (BPA), which operates with the applications Transfermóvil and EnZona in various provinces del país.

Also on this occasion various user reports have been lost due to his arrears, while others received suspicious amounts of money.

Last December, just before entering into force the monetary unification, the Cuban governor announced that collects the bank accounts of persons who will exchange their CUC for dollars Euros have the economy being activated, which means that in their accounts at CUC only money can be deposited and not extracted, there is a “monetary” response.

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