Baltimore police apprentice Jordan Ali fired after allegedly assaulting women who would not invite him to the party – CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) – A Baltimore police apprentice who was arrested over the weekend for harassing and threatening three women is no longer at the department.

Jordan Ali posted bail after being charged with seven criminal offenses as well as a string of traffic offenses.

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Along Pratt Street, very early Saturday morning, the indictment documents that Baltimore’s 22-year-old police student Jordan Ali met three women in a car parked next to him at a traffic light.

According to the statement of possible cause, the women told Ali that they were going to a party. He said he wanted to join, and they told him they did not want him to. It was at this point, according to court records, that Ali started following them, eventually hitting their car with his own and confronting them again as they drove into a gas station at Royal Farms.

One witness told police that Ali, without a uniform, flashed a fake FBI badge for them and pointed to a gun on his hip. Witnesses said Ali also told them to “freeze.”

The women eventually drove to Johns Hopkins Bayview after the emergency and called 911 on the way. When they got there, the indictment documents said the women had told a doctor what was happening and that they were scared.

Baltimore police officers showed up and questioned both groups. Eventually, Ali was fired.

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“First, thank the police commissioner’s team for immediately moving to terminate that officer or probation officer,” Mayor Brandon Scott said.

The mayor said being transparent about what is happening within the agency is how the city will regain confidence in the police department.

“We’re reforming our department through the consent decision, through the efforts in Annapolis, and we’ll build trust by working with the community and acting when we see such things,” Scott said.

Ali told officers he was stalking the women because he thought the car was stolen and suspected they were using drugs.

The public prosecutor is handling the case. Ali is expected back in court next month, but for now he is out of jail on $ 250,000 bail.

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