Balcony! Fernando Carrillo coquetea with men and women by igual

In the year 2020, we will announce that Fernando Carrillo, 55 years old, has had an intimate encounter with a transsexual woman in the artistic medium. Once a friend of this chick tells us the owners of this encounter, the actor will be bisexual; without embarrassment, now is a friend of venezolano who assures us that this is true. We work with the activist Raúl Juliá Levy, of 48, and this is our account:

-Raúl, how do you know Fernando Carrillo?

“He is the best friend of many years, 25 years; we love our friends and include our friends in Malibú, California. We frequent many ”.

-Qué tan cercanos eran?

“Our friends are very close to us, with the frequency we are going to serve restaurants in Malibu and on occasion we have a very famous restaurant-bar: Moon Shadow, which we are looking for”.

-Sin embargo, recently in speeches has been told that he has no friends …

“Yes, we have our differences; but I did not escape because I was acquitted ”.

The hybrid actor has close relationships with both genders.

-¿ Faces before the end of the contact?

“In fact, I’ve been contacted because I’re attacking the magazine and including saying that I’m asking them to publish because he’s bisexual, and I’m wrong.

-Continue …

“To empress, we do not have the sexual preferences of the people, simply tell a story that involved him and he did not understand why he was armed so scandalously, if he is bisexual, punctuation; le tira la onda a chavos y chavas for equal ”.

-For what circle is molesto so?

“The problem here is that there is no God at the moment, but Fernando does not recognize what it is.”

-¿Cómo sabes que es bisexual?

“Because he was very comfortable with it and many situations were very comfortable for him”.

-¿Ah, sí?, ¿Como cuáles?

“Mira, in more than one occasion, will have to wait until she uses her body to get rid of things. Have you stayed at the Hotel Four Seasons de México, and I would like to ask you: ‘Oye, Raulito, can you understand what you are going to do here, do you have any problems?’, And the day: ‘Nee, in reality wine to solve personal needs ‘, y me respondió de una forma muy vulgêr:’ Raulito, pues vas a tener que poner a trabajar la ve …; but this is not the most rare thing of the night ”.

-What did you call it?

“Just when I said yes, I read a couple of European men and sent them in one month; Fernando los volteó a ver y me dijo, con una libidinosa expression: ‘Mira, Raulito, lo que acaba de llegar’, entonces se levantó y se fue a sentar sin ser invitado ”.

-Addition …

“One of the men is ready to salvage something and Fer quedo with the other man, a chavo; entonces sacó su cellular, le empezó a musrar videos en logros en telenovelas y tuvo un actitud por demás cariñosa con el tipo, se veij que le atraía mucho chavo y la verdad sí me saqué de onda. But this is not the only time we see Fer tiraba todo ”.

Your friend has the details.

-Cuéntame …

“On various occasions we stumble upon the point where we leave the ma … for the sake of it: one time we stay in Moon Shadow and have a family of Chileans; estaba la mamá y el papá, una pareja joven, y la señora era muy guapa. Fernando se levantó, le empezó a tirar los perros a la señora, fue algo muy incommodo porque el marido de la senora se levantó y le dijo: ‘¡Oye, qué onda contigo, ésta es mi mujer!’, Y le dije: ‘ Fernando, vámonos porque nos van a ma … ‘”.

-Qué fuerte! …

‘Así es. On another occasion, also in the same place, the emcee a meter mano an una american, so I enter because the meseros me llamaron to decide that to favor run by el. Fernando lives on 300 meters of Moon Shadow, and the captain of meseros is desperate for these situations every week and many times with men ”.

-A series?

‘Sí, much like veces lo vi con men in the same way to lie in plan de ligue, poro yo no agarro de la mano a los hombres, pero él sí ”.

-What do you think?

“As far as I know, a couple of years ago, Fernando saw the Great Mariscal of the LGBT parade in Mexico; in the community it is very true that he has them preferences”.

-Raúl, do you have no choice but to ask or ask?

“Pues mira, tengo derecho of expressing my opinions, is my freedom of expression about Experiencecias that he lived with Fernando; if it is said that there is some context, it can be clarified in its car ”.

-What are the directories and the facts about it?

Sólo le quiero decir: ‘Fernando, ubícate, las cosas una forma u otra salen a la luz. Requires a full version of algo que es totally cute, not te llevará a ningún lado, sabes que lo que digo es cierto ‘”, finalizó.

The actor is not ready.
