Balacera and Zapopan. Hallan vehicle used tiroteo

Guadalajara /

Elements of the Mexican Ejército locate the vehicle that will be used to privatize the liberty of a restaurant of the restaurant Los Otates, of the municipality of Zapopan, sitio donde se dio un enfrentamiento a balazos este lunes.

The hallazgo was confirmed by investigating agents and staff castrense present about avenida El Colli and the passage of the volcanoes in the colony Moctezuma Poniente in Zapopan, where the car was parked.

The inside of the vehicle is found ropes, tires are used for an arm .225 and it is detected that trae places are overpowered

The Royal Vehicle Registry is JRG86-66 of the State of Jalisco.

The headquarters of the Secretariat of the National Defense (Sedena), the National Guard and the Tax Office of the State of Jalisco are located in the center.

“The vehicle was found to have been parked regularly and it was time to build a zone zone”, informs one of the effective

