Baja Demand for Alert Coffee to Honduran Exporters for this 2021

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

La lucha por subsistir y hacer de la caficultura a profitable activity for miles of small producers will continue in this 2021 debit to the multiple problems that golpean in the sector of hace varios years, as the endowment, the beautiful prices, and in order to be able to sum up the lack of cortadors to collect the fruit fruit, the deteriors call third parties to access the finches and with a baja demanda a nivel mundial.

Under the auspices of the 2020-2021 election, the Honduran Institute of Café (Ihcafé) estimates that production is currently running at 8.2 million quintiles, without embargo, many experts in the monkey sector are already raising 7.2 million quintiles del grano de oro.

Look at the front of the problem as the ten of the producers to consult shortcomings in previous years. Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua; but debit to the situation of the pandemic by the covid-19 cafetaleros tienen que pagar L600 for a quick test by each person who contracts for his fincas, says Jorge Pinto, representative of the cafetaleros in the west of the country.

LEA: The pandemic opens new entrants to Honduras

The producer, in addition, signaled that the passage of the Eta and Iota towers would only severely affect the infrastructure that is held in the departments of Copán, Ocotepeque, Lempira, Santa Bárbara and Intibucá. Hemos retrocidoido 15 años, las carreteras terciarias están extremadamente dañadas ”, comment.

Pinto results in the work being done by the National Cafeteria Foundation, which has been initiating since December to restore access to the fines. “At the moment we are in full court we are in an 80% power of habilitating the cafeteria zones. Now we are carrying out a soberhuman effort to solve this problem. The production of coffee was calculated at 8.2 million, but we are not going to read about this production, in our report the coffee shop was debited and there is no shortage of work, which is here in the West cortamos con gente de Guatemala ”, explained.

Dagoberto Suazo, President of La Central de Cooperativas Cafetaleras de Honduras (The Central), signaled that the call of the callers according to the plan executed between the Governor and the cafeteria organizations to close the coffin was recorded.

Suazo signaled that there were more than 250 machinists operating in the 15 coffee production departments to log in to lose the losses and increase the number of divisions need the country in these moments of crisis.


Fredy Pastrana, producer and representative of the cafetalero del oriente del país, expresses that the situation is dramatic. “We have known for years that the sector is not generating user-generated debt: has more than 63,000 producers que le deben a la banca ”, lamentó.

Pastrana criticizes the “abandonment” of cafeteria institutions on the theme of deeds and the failure of the National Congress, since it has long been necessary to plant a financial scheme to benefit the cafeterias with bags of interest 10 years and the same has not been taken into account by the deputies.

Asimismo, indicates that the price for selling coffee in Honduras is much lower than in the old countries. “We give only to the producers, who follow and endeavor”, dijo el producer of El Paraíso. Ultimately, Pastrana had a speech to the President of the Republic to hold an emergency meeting and to provide a response to the producers who were in crisis.

Víctor Barahona, manager of the Central Nacional de Cooperativas Limitada (Uniocoop), comment that part of the crisis empies through the pocos fondus that it assigns to the agricultural sector in the Presupuesto General of the Republic. “If we review the last 10 years of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Ganaderia (SAG) we will not find any support. The L2,000 million for Agriculture will be approved. It has a low level of investment in Agriculture, producing food and generating exports, ”he said.

Barahona demonstrates that the agricultural theme and the café should have a policy change to increase the productivity of the country, as well as to increase the market of the café in the international market with marketing experts who want to increase prices for the national café and the producers .

Baja demanda

Miguel Pon, Executive Director of the Honduras Café Exporters Association (Adecafeh), reports that coffee exports have fluctuated by the bars that are located in the coffee shops by the days inside the cafeteria communities, but in addition to this comment that they have been alerted, and is the small demand on the international level.

“It’s very complicated to be able to cook coffee in these moments”, advirtió Pon.

The signaling exporter that this cache will be complicated, and now it is time to feel the impact of covid-19 en the Honduran caficulture. The executive director of Adecafeh indicates that in reality the covid-19 has not been affected in any way, but it is understood that this impact is on the outside by the means of confinement that are Welcome to Europe.

“We will see what happens with the global-level pandemic, even if the chain depends on it, nothing will serve the price of the coffee that is high and can not be reduced. I hope with the vacancies, but I will take his time, ”he said.

About the destination of the exports, It is stated that in the United States it is the country that is more important than the grain; in addition, Colombia is also running the lower quality Honduran café to achieve great results.

Ultimately, I express that I have been waiting for the rebates that are in the country, then the people are much related and are in the doubt that they will go with the country this month and February and the cases followed.

In the last month of December, the price of the coffee was increased, which motivated the producers to close their coffers, without embarrassment, did not know if there was a tendency.

Crisis claws

1. Failure of cortadores

In many areas of the country, it is reported that the grain of the grain, since the producers did not have to contract coffee garden cutters as in previous years paid at the high cost that they represent, and that they should practice fast.

2. Daños por los huracanes

The passage of the Eta y Iota to the National Territory in November will only severely affect the third districts in order to access the finite distances in the 15 departments of the country, as the east and the west are most affected by the destruction.

Baja demanda

The exporters are signaling that the global pandemic situation at the global coffee demand level has dropped drastically, as the Honduran café on the outside is proving that the export figures are low.
