“Bad Man?” Belinda distaca lado masculino en portada

The recent issue of a revised edition of Belinda as one of the models that encapsulates the port of “BadHombre“, the news of Christian Nodal is a show like never before, one more time the “nice little boy” will have a big impact.

A magisterial gate in one of the numbers of the publication of the magazine “BadHombre” produces a completely radical change in the colloquial interpretation of the complete image of the pop star that all he knew.

The Spanish superstar, radicada varios años in Mexico, appeared with various attendees that the hacen be very masculine, but with the hace honor the style of the magazine.

Fue la propia “Beli” quien a travers de su cuente pop compartiere la primar pagina pual protagoniza con un stylle completely desarraigado de todo lo que ha caracterizado en su carrera y en otras colaboraciones de este typo.

Its colorful riddles that result in clear clarity of its skin that in most cases are detached with natural tones have been transformed from their initials into the most recent action, paints or different shortcomings with those who have renovated their cable or makeup and some of the cambios.

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Through his instagram @Belindapop shares the results of his participation in this session, trying to get more of his ability to transform as much as the essence with which he was enrolled in the medium of music.

On this occasion a black wig, occult in its dark cabellera, a pain with mechons of different lengths, a very short coat that looks beautiful on the beauty look that Belinda Peregrin wears on this occasion.

Surely, the number will be one of the most searched by the followers of the 28-year-olds, except that Deben said that Sali was waiting for the month of December, without embarrassment, he was also able to dispose of it online.

This series is one of the projects with which Belinda will close with a brooch of the passage 2020 lie of a difficult year in the middle of the pandemic that took place around the world of the spectacle.

In some detailed transcendence that the cantante lució siete cambios provenientes de diversas marcas, Tomorrowland Tailors van Edgar Aguilera, Urblack, Iconique, Rodete Studio, Pasionarte, Elisheva & Constance, Ant, Paloma Lira, The Pack y Welton & Sons.

In its majority use Mexican brands, selection that the work team, set to define the style of the artist for the session consider the best option and that also “high in Mexico” can compete with high markets, only one of the collaborators, Priscila Cano.

Asimismo, thanks to a great team the song “Love to the First Wisdom” is delivered as a mysterious, chameleon, retiree and at the same time, time.

The key to this collaboration will be to look for a completely different style as in another era and that will not respond to a trend that reveals the team in an interview.

Following the revelation of a podcast of the revue, the recognizable figure of the music has always been a sequel to the fashion, so that from now on a very small search will define its own style.

Also can you learn ¿Juntos al fin? Belinda and actor of Compliments to rescate

For this reason, Belinda does not have a series of nines that read books of nines, makes the reviews of her mother that she despises the interests of my temper tantrums, by which, including reading, is considered “rare” by some of her companions in college .

Me decian ¿for what traes esas reviews? More one account ”, but she shows off the beauty of the clothes and clothes that appear in the pages. “Ay, no, esta niña está un poco rara” le decían sus companions del cole. “Desde ahí supe mi gusto por la moda”, commented.
