Bachelor Nation Stars responds to Chris Harrison as host

After a setback over his interview, including by many Bachelor Nation stars, Harrison apologized and said, “What I now realize I did was do harm by speaking wrong in a way that perpetuates racism . ” But the setback on social media continued, and a petition was also launched to have him fired from the host position he has held since. The old guy debuted in 2002.

In his statement on the temporary departure of the franchise on Saturday, Harrison wrote: “By apologizing for historical racism, I defended it. I called the term ‘vigilant police’, which is unacceptable. I am ashamed of how uninformed I was. “I was so wrong.”

A source tells E! News, “[Chris] will also appear at Women tell everyone episode on March 1, which was recorded in Los Angeles earlier this month. The After the final rose special has not yet been filmed, and additional details will be shared later. “

Read the answers of the Bachelor Nation stars to his latest statement and the whole controversy:
