Baby of Wendolee, ex academic, lucha por su vida

In a huge desolation, the former Wendolee academy is meeting, which has been in public at the moment the process of welcoming its well-being Hannah; without embarrassment, the congratulations change into a preoccupation when it is revealed that the small aspirated meconio (liquid liquid and residues) in the throat and now lies against the infection that is the cause.

The song revealed on his Instagram account the moment he was in the hospital because he was not pregnant and he realized that this was a complication of the situation and the reason why his wife Hannah aspired to stay.

The infection is compromising the life of the little one, reason why it intervenes surgically and is found with special care to help it recover. Wendolee has shared the situation of his wife in social speeches and has asked at any time not to worry about the health of the little one and that the power of the oration is very strong.

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The academic ex, one of the most wanted, also shared a very moving moment, the beauty of little Hannah from his yard. Debating the delicate state of health of his wife, Wendolee decided that it was time to present his wife to God.

In his official Instagram account, you can take a look at the photos of this beautiful moment while singing the manita of his beautiful hat, which was worn as a white blanket of white, and in his other hand he wore a small veil , as part of the sacrament of baptism.

At this very special moment on the stage, Hannah’s father, the musician, is missing Harrison hill, who of gray hairs is present to celebrate the moment when he receives the sacrament of beauty. Wendolee presented his baby to God and pissed one more time that his baby was sick. One more time, the chanting pillow orations for the little one and appreciation for the same.

Hoy bautizamos a nuestra @hannahlovehill le presentamos a Dios nuestra pequeña niña con toda la Fe de que elos ayudará a Sanarla, que esta schuchando mis suplicas y las oraciones de tanta gente que se unido en oración en estos dififles momentos. If at the moment elf has an oration for her, no hay oration that is not listened to.

Hannah’s hermosa passed the 7th of January and since then, licked by his widow debit to the infection; this day, before the birth, Wendolee shows his preoccupation with a video, in which he insures his peke will not be sold.

At 20 hrs we start and @hannahlovehill names do not want to share the oracions.

Fue despues that by the same means Wendolee Ayala compartment where fueron 28 hours the intention to take to his wife and finally, had to intervene surgically; per Hannah había presented neumonia derivative of what habia enters, ya that the situation is había complicated. The song at the moment presents a positive action.

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In other videos he sings that he has very difficult times and that he has been transferred to another hospital for a surgical intervention. Destacó is staffed by God and a medical team capable of providing simple explanations for his small sale with good.

Wendolee expressed that there was much to be said for a baby born when Hannah was present; without embarrassment, that tenian much fe in that saldrá airosa of this situation.
