Babies believe deaths were killed in the Bronx deaths, the police confirmed | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The little ones, of the masculine sex, were spotted at College Avenue, near East 172nd Street in Claremont on November 9, 2020 by the superintendent of the 12-month-old editors after being fired, then the authorities were fined $ 10,000 for information that he is under arrest by the perpetrators of the crime.

“Alguien tiene que saber algo. Así que estamos pidiendo ayuda del public”, dijo in conferencia de prensa el officiale al mando de brigada de homicidios de El Bronx, el teniente William O’Toole.

The official signal: “Does not appear to be a case. Appears to be a blow or a trauma to a current object”.

Ambos babies are still naked and one of them has a duchess wrapped around the spring.

Agreed with the forensic medical report, the deaths of infants classified as “neonatics”. The first murmur led to a “continuous trauma to the head and torso”, while the other failed failure to a “cranial trauma caused by a continuous blow”.

O’Toole also mentions the mother of the babies saying that “by supuesto that she is considered a person of interest. Our tastes work with her. What trauma or in what situation is encountered … dio a luz aestos babies en alguien los tiró a la basura “.

“On November 9, 2020, these infants received births that were found in an alley behind an apartment building in the Bronx. This case was officially registered as homicide. It received a fee of up to $ 10,000. conoce has information in favor of her name on @nypdtips “, posted on Twitter the Detective of James Detig.

Anyone with information can call the police at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477) or for Spanish at 1-888-57-PISTA (74782).

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