AWS removes Parler, WhatsApp group chat data visible on Google

It was an interesting day in the world of technology today. On the one hand, Amazon Parler of AWS blocked. On the other hand, we learned that WhatsApp’s group chat data is available on Google. In addition, Google Maps has received a 2020 timeline update.

This is what happened in the world of technology today:

Amazon removes Parler from AWS

After Google and Apple removed Amazon Parler from its Amazon Web Services (AWS), saying the service had not taken adequate measures to prevent the spread of violence-inciting posts in light of the riots in the U.S. Capitol.

Alexa has ‘Tell me when’ skill

Amazon introduced “Alexa, tell me when ..” skill to Alexa. It will notify users when a specific event occurs along with more detailed background information.

Microsoft Teams Get New Dynamic View Feature

New reports indicate that Microsoft is going to implement a feature called Dynamic View in Teams. This feature allows users to share content side-by-side with others.

Google Maps gets update of timeline for 2020

Google Maps emailed a ‘2020 timeline update’ to its users. The idea is to give users an overview of all the places they have visited in the year of pandemic, along with additional information.

WhatsApp group information visible on Google Search

Some WhatsApp groups have started appearing on Google Search, which means anyone can discover and join a private WhatsApp group just by searching on Google.
