Avistan brilliant meteors on Saturday night

The Caribbean Astronomical Society (SAC) informs that during the night of Saturday, bright meteor showers were observed from Puerto Rico, including a bullet that was captured on video at 10:47 p.m.

In a statement, the entity indicates that some observers report that the bullet must be a lame and colored star, while others include a sound.

“The detail that emits a sound is extremely interesting, but as we know the light travels faster than the sound, but on various occasions has recorded a simultaneous sound with a meteor. It is known as an electrophonic meteorite, ”said Eddie Irizarry, Vice President of the SAC, in written statements.

It is said that a live sound is taken and explained that on occasion some meteorites emit good radio frequencies, the occasional vibrations in objects of the terrestrial surface and that our eyes perceive as a sound similar to a freer with a single beam sound of the “Christmas stars”.

The SAC reported that the lunar voyage 11 of January saw another brilliant meteor from the Isla. In addition, it is signaled that another visit on the night of Saturday 16th will also be the result of the constellation of Cancer.

“It means that we are living in the Delta Cancrids, which produces some meteoric, bright rays,” said the educational entity.

The fragmentation box used by the Delta Cancrids is also similar to the 2001 YB5 asteroid, which does not show the release of free radicals in this space rock.

The Habibi organization is adamant that this “illegal” meteor shower can take advantage of one person’s shots, until the 24th of January, mainly around the 17th of this month.
