Avergüenzan economic problems and almost provocative suicides

Suicide cases are marketed in the last years in the United States and Washington’s personal finance coach Tammy Lally, it’s agreed that the association is associated with economic problems and is one of the factors that play a role in it.

A man from Lally committed suicide in 2007 after receiving a mortgage deed. After a while, Lally’s mortgage deal went down well in the middle of the 2008 recession.

She says she did not drive a Mercedes and went to the ocean to declare bankruptcy.

“She was devastated by the pain and the sadness of experimentation,” Lally said. ‘No se lo dije a nadie. Fingí que no pasaba nada ”.

At the moment it is said that there is a growing sense that there is a phrase about its economic problems. When a career changes and it becomes an economic assessor, it becomes aware of the days that its perceptions are.

Customers are often aroused by their deeds and included by their wealth. Otros vivían más alla sus posibilidades o “fingían ser importantes”, haciéndose cargo de la cuente in los restaurants y saliendo al auxilio de todo el mundo.

“We see that all our customers are averaged over the economic theme,” says Lally. “We live in a culture where the money dictates what we value.”

The origins of economic prosperity

We will know how to manage our money and all the world will make mistakes with its finances, agreed with Lindsay Bryan-Podvin, financial therapist from Ann Arbor, Michigan. In addition, there are many factors driving our control, such as the economy, current trends and tasks.

In short, without embarrassment, the people think that they have something that falls into them if they have financial problems. If you can feel stupid, immoral, pessimistic or not know how to manage the money. También is tortured thinking about what he wants to do and not to hiccup.

“When we make mistakes with the diner or our algae, we tend to think that it’s a personal failure,” said Bryan-Podvin, author of “The Financial Anxiety Solution.” “If you take it for granted, it’s a good sign that you’ve been rewarded with financial aid.”

Economic prosperity can give impulses to host more “to maintain the apartments”, not to think in our finances or to criticize others who also have difficulties, says the financial planner Edward Coambs, of Charlotte, Carolina del Norte.

“The greed makes us judge in the morning,” Coambs doubles. “Because we know that the people have difficulties, we want to feel bad”.

Many therapists and investigators say that forgiveness is not the same thing as guilt: Our guilty feelings are very bad and we are overwhelmed when we think that we are weak or defective.

There are people who believe that they have so many defects that they do not want to fall in love with the women, agree with Coambs. In extreme cases, you can think about suicide.

“Confidence is associated with the loss of relationships,” says Coambs. “It’s a form of deciding that no vales nada and no mereces have a relationship neither contiguous nor with others”.

Forgiveness and suicide

Rare suicides have a sole cause and investigators can only speculate as to where the suicidal ideation is.

Some Indian studies that tienden have included are the sample cases and a study from the American Journal of Epidemiology of 2020 indicates that the financial problems incur much in the intentions of suicide.

But in the last few decades, suicides have been included in economic economic epochs. The suicide rate dropped to 35% from 1999 to 2018, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In 2019, there will be 14.2 suicides per 100,000 residents at 13.9. The figures for 2020 are not available today.

Lindsay speculates that the state of affairs and the recent economic insecurity may be contributing factors.

Coambs points out that the suicide cases of men in the United States are three times the number of women, which may respond in part to the need to be the principal of the case.

“The more supreme men (with the financial trappings) because they tend to associate it with valen with their intrigues or with their heritage,” said Coambs.

What can be done to respect economic prosperity

Everything is preoccupying. But suicides are preventable and the association associated with the economic situation can be controlled, according to financial therapists. The first step is to recognize what one is.

“The first thing that happens, and the more pragmatic, is to call the things by its number,” said Coambs. “Poder beskrywe lo que siente en palabras ayuda a empezar el process e par aliviar la angustia”.

I also hope to support you. You can discuss the economic merit with a single person of confidence who serves so that the person is not alone, Lindsay said.

“Many people think that they are the only person in the world or the unit of their community that is economically prosperous,” Lindsay said.

Be compassionate with one another and learn from the vivid experiences. Pregúntese que puede sacar de todo esto et que debería corregir la proxima vez.

Lally shared his experience in the TED Talk series and his presentation was worth more than 2 million times. It is called “Seamos honestos acerca de nuestros financieros” and accompanies a book entitled “Money Detox”.

“My mission is to make people aware of their economic problems,” said Lally.
