Automovilista murió al caer de un barranco de mases 30 metros de profundidad en Santa Ana | El Salvador News

The conductor is led by another young man when he accidentally loses control of the car and falls. Failure of intermediary.

José Leonel Marroquín Alvarado, of 29 years, bankruptcy and Harold Acevedo, of 19 years, result of pregnancy injury at a barracks of 30 metros of the vehicle in the vehicle being driven, informs the Police.

The accident occurred late on Sunday near the ancient lake in Coatepeque, in the canton of La Laguna, in Santa Ana.

According to Cruz Verde El Congo socorristas, women waiting for the emergence, the driver of the vehicle loses the control of his car in a curve and many different meters have to be found at the bottom of the precipice.

Photo by Jorge Reyes

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In impact, Marroquín’s body was separated from its vehicle and an intermediary caused by multiple waves, detailing the authorities. The young man who was accompanying him was transferred to the emergency hospital during pregnancy.

“Lo voy a extrarar”, says the German of the fallen youth, while being consulted by other relatives.

Photo by Jorge Reyes

Marroquín Alvarado directs to his house, located in the orates of the Coatepeque lake, work area.

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Agree with the rescuer Edwin Alcántara, for the recovery of the corpse are needed, escalators and another special team. The rescot is carried out in conjunction with various institutions of socorro and lasts 1 hour and media by the escabroso of the zone.

Secondly, it is the first time that this type of accident in the zone has succeeded.
