Australians flock to parody sites on Facebook after news ban

What a joke!

Facebook users in Australia streamed on Thursday to parody news content after the social media giant blocked legal news from its platform.

The top ten performances of Australian Facebook pages on Thursday were almost all from satirical websites, according to data from CrowdTangle, a social media insight tool owned by Facebook.

The list – first shared by the Twitter Account @ FacebookTop10AU – contains mostly posts from Australian comic stores The Chaser and Betoota Advocate.

5 was a post by Ozzy Man Reviews, the page of popular Australian YouTuber Ethan Marrell.

All three comedy pages previously appeared in the daily rankings of Facebook posts that achieved the most interactions, followed by FacebookTop10AU Account of Dave Earley, staff member of Guardian Australia.

However, it does not seem that the top reports ever came from comedy pages.

The Facebook page for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
The Facebook page for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
AP Photo / Rick Rycroft

For example, on wednesdayOzzy Man Reviews had the No. 1 spot, but then followed 7 News Brisbane, 7News Australia and ABC News.

The striking change was probably caused by the shocking move by Facebook to stop Australians from seeing and sharing news on the platform due to the proposed laws in the country to make digital giants pay for journalism.

Users from now on can no longer share Australian or international news and international users outside Australia can no longer share Australian news.

With Post threads
