Australia has no summary of the Johnson & Johnson contra el covid-19 porque se parece a la de AstraZeneca


13 Apr 2021 04:54 GMT

The Governor of Oceania warns that the pharmacy of the Anglo-Swedish company can cause extremely rare and potentially deadly blood clots in less than 50 years.

Australia will not acquire the vacancy against the covid-19 elaborate by Johnson & Johnson debited in its similarities with the Anglo-Swedish company AstraZeneca, which does not recommend summing up and minors of 50 years, declares this month a spokesman for the Minister of Salud, Greg Hunt, a The Guardian.

“It’s a adenovirus vaccine, the same type of vacancy as the AstraZeneca “, explained the vocation.” “The governor has no intention of buying more adenovirus vehicles at this time,” the ministry spokesman added.

Last week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison launched a statement announcing that the AstraZeneca vaccine could cause extremely rare and potentially deadly blood clots in people under 50 years of age.

What time?

The EMA invests 4 cases of thrombus during the evacuation with the Johnson & Johnson pharmacy, while continuing the incubator with the AstraZeneca

The Governor created the Johnson & Johnson Vault to generate the same health problem. Hecho, the European Medicines Agency (EMA, by its seal in English) is reviewing four cases of rare blood clots in EE.UU individuals. que habían sido inoculadas con dicho pharmaco, una de las cuales murió.

Asimismo, the antidote of the multinational estadounidense also has secondary effects that include inflammation of the ganglia linfáticos as a result of the creation of anticonvulsants against the new coronavirus.

From the Australian Labor Party (ALP, by its English flags), he criticized Gobierno de Morrison for announcing the decision on Johnson & Johnson’s pharmacy at the request of the Minister of Health “without any explanation”.

“Coyuntura critique”

Employees of a plant in EE.UU.  habrían arruinado 15 million dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine by error

“Australia needs more vacancy options over the month,” said Mark Butler, a member of the ALP, who made sure his country met in a “critical cohort”. “The Prime Minister must declare to the Australians that this is the new plan, that they are the new places and objectives,” he said.

At present, the ocean country has secured 53.8 million doses of AstraZeneca’s pharmacy, including 50 million produced locally, which forms part of its arsenal of 170 million doses of vacancies against the new enfermedad.

The Australian Executive admits that it is possible that for the finals of this year not all Australians will be evacuated, as far as they are concerned. For this, it has demanded 20 million additional doses of Pfizer’s vaccine.

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