Aumentan called for Trump’s decision on disturbances in Capitol

(CNN) –– A number of legislators, including those of the Democratic leadership, are standing by President Donald Trump’s resignation, and he is seeking a political verdict from Amendment 25 of the Constitution. It’s, though, that a violent turmoil of Trump’s followers has taken place in the United States Capitol.

Chuck Schumer, Democratic leader of the Senate, denounced these Jews in a statement calling for the “insurrection” in the Capitol “incited by the president.” “This president will not occupy the cargo for another day,” he said. The President of the Chamber of Deputies, Nancy Pelosi, is unanimous in calling a hearing later in a press conference.

Nancy Pelosi is one of the lame by the Enmienda 25 1:13

“I am a leader of the Senate Democracy in order to urge the Vice-President to send this President immediately to the Enemy 25”, said Pelosi. “If the Vice-President and the Cabinet do not act, the Congress can be prepared to advance with a political juice, which is the sentiment of my group and the people of the United States,” he added.

Hasta now, the paratroopers proving in large part of Democrats, but at least one Republican of the Congress has taken part. Adam Kinzinger, Republican Representative for Illinois and a frequent critic of the president, said that Enmienda 25 was invoked. And a video message dijo este jueves que «el presidente debe ahora ceder el control del executor de forma voluntearia involvolaria».

What is needed for Trump’s decision on the 25th Amendment?

Invoke the 25th Amendment requiring Vice President Mike Pence and the mayor of the cabinet to vote for Trump on the cargo bill, debiting his inability to “fill in the gaps and debts of his cargo.” If a step is taken without precedents.

Famous reactions to the past in the Capitol 0:58

Any impulse from Enmienda 25 will drive a difficult truck, which has no precedents for results. In addition to the time it takes to miss Joe Biden’s job. Without embarrassment, the speeches in the Congressional Congress have been to the point that the legislators are concerned and furious with Trump, despite the devastation in the Capitol this week.

Senator Patty Murray, following the Senate’s Democratic leadership, also said it was time to call Enmienda 25.

“The most immediate form of guarantee is that the President will not cause any more deaths in the next days to invoke Entry 25 and destroy the cargo. While telling the story we observe, instead of Vice President Pence and the cabinet to antepon the country in the party and act, “he said in a statement.

Carolyn Maloney, chairwoman of the House of Representatives’ Supervisory Board, responded to Trump’s decision. It has been passed by the Enmienda 25 or the political juicio.

“Invite the Enemy 25 is the fastest way to do it, and the convenience should be our goal,” he said. Luego, aggregated: “If the Vice President and the Cabinet do not act, we will have to seek political juice”.

Political Justice Claims for Trump’s Resolution

Other prominent Democrats have instituted a political verdict over the violent turmoil that erupted in the Capitol while holding a joint session of Congress contesting the electoral votes that reaffirm the election of President-elect Joe Biden. This is in the midst of Trump’s false assertions that the election was rigged in return.

Representative Hakeem Jeffries, president of the House of Representatives’ Democratic Legislature, joined the party. “Donald Trump must be lifted into political justice, condensed and dispensed with his immediate burden,” said the judge.

Three members of the Judicial Commission of the Chamber of Representatives ––Jamie Raskin, David Cicilline and Ted Lieu–– are circulating among their colleagues a resolution of political justice. Alli calibrates Trump’s actions as abuse of power. Trump wrote that Trump violated the Constitution by “deliberately inciting violence against the United States Governor.”

CNN Correspondent narra el asalto des dentro 1:45

The inclusive team of the “progressive squad” of Democratic legislators – the representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley – also spoke in support of the political judiciary over the violin of the Capitol.

“I’m editing political juicing articles. Donald J. Trump should seek political justice in the House of Representatives and appointed by the United States Senate. No podemos allow permanent loads. It’s a question of preserving our Republic and we’ll complete our jurisprudence, ”Omar said.

“This is about Donald Trump, period.” Llamó a la gente a la ciudad de Washington y les dio ordenes de marchar. Necesita will be handed over to the political juices and destiny of intermediaries », tlaib tlaib el mercoles.

The political scenario

By now, Biden’s position is very close, it’s 20. As a result, it is very likely that there will be enough time for voluntary politics in Congress for any type of political juvenile delinquency.

The House of Representatives led by Democrats and led Trump to political politics in 2019. To appoint a president of his body, mediating this process, the Senate must vote to condemn any political action. Since he is not successful and the Senado controlado por the Partido Republicano, Trump should not give a guilty plea.

Despite the fact that Trump’s turmoil followed the Capitol’s expulsion, lawmakers wanted to meet at the last minute to continue with the electoral roll. The Congress completes the content and definitely confirms the victory of Biden in the first hours of the Madrugada of these Jews.

Alex Rogers and Michael Warren, los dos de CNN, make an informal contribution.
