Aumenta traáfico niños haitianos por Dajabón

The trafficking of Haitian nuns and adolescents has been increased by the frontier of the province of Dajabón and the mayor has been transported to the city of Santiago, where deambulans are carrying out various activities.

Caminan por las calls con cajones de lustrar calzados, otros limpian crystals de vehiculas en algunas intersectiones, pero también los hay que se dedic a pedir, recoger botellas, plastikos y otros objetos que vierten personas que ellos pueden vender.

The trafficking of children and adolescents is under the auspices of military reform that has disposed of the Dominican authorities and migrants on the border between the Caribbean and the Caribbean.


Many of their children and adolescents also live in public places and sleep in abandoned buildings and other places.

Agents of the Municipal and National Police on many occasions have intervened in a destroyed house and other construction work in the Calle del Sol, cases in the intersection with the avenue France, the cults are abandoned and refuse refuge for Haitian adolescents.

Santiago’s Human Rights activist Jorge Galván told Listin Diario that the problem was dramatic and that he was looking for an urgent solution because it was too late.


Según Galván, his minor when he was transferred from Haiti, was exposed to all types of abuse by road users.

While a Migration Officer in the Northern Zone explained to Listín Diario that there are international organizations and organizations that are trying to evict Haitian nuns and adolescents and other nations that are calling Santiago’s calls.

Manifestó que los pueden recoger y albergarlos en el Consejo Nacional para la Niñez y la Adolescencia (Conani), pero no repatriarlos a pesar de no nacieron en Dominúpana Dominique de deque son maficas de mafias que operan en contubernio con dominicanos.

Haitian professor Jean Baptiste, former leader of the Civil Protection of the North Haiti with assistance to Cabo Haitiano, proclaimed that the trafficking of nine members of the Dominican Republic was serious.

At the same time, many of them are easy objects for the “pots”, as is known in Haiti to the road users, abusing them without footing.

Subrayó who opposes the Dominican Republic, in Haiti the adolescents who are delinquent are sent to prisons together with adults who are abused by them.

Because of the pressure of entities from its countries and international organisms, the logarithm depicts those nines of the districts and that they have no relatives known as the albergues, pernocta in the calls of their countries and that they are unaccompanied by traffickers in dominant territory.


For example, it is said that there are now those who are developing from the Dominican Republic, but there are people, many of them of Haitian origin, who are used and exploited in the calls to benefit.

Attorney José Alberto Peña, Vice President of the Coordinator of Popular Organizations of the Sur Santiago Zone, said that together with representatives of other entities rescued Haitian nines, three hemorrhoids and four varones, which were exploited by workers.

The nests reside in the impoverished sector known as Cañada del Diablo.

They (the Haitians), the ponies to feed on the calls, to lure zapatos, to sell flowers, to crystallize crystals of the vehicles in the semaphores, to expel us from our zone to our abusers and the nines and their entrees to the authorities ”, Comment.

An activist from the action Action Callejera manifests that there is a sequel to these nines, until now he has identified 14, which is exposed to the clowning of the Covid-19 and various abuses.
