Attorneys-at-Law Diandino will return to the PGR as many times as necessary

Santo Domingo, RD.

The legal representatives of the Director of the Office of the Reorganamiento del Transport (Opret), Diandino Peña, insure that these clients return to the Offices of the Special Prosecutor’s Office and Persecution of the Administrative Corruption (Pepcaes).

If it is expressed through the finalization of the interrogation of the officer with the authorities of justice, minutes before the fifth of the late.

However, it does not specify when Volvo will be interviewed or if Pepca will require its presence later.

Asimismo, Peña rehusa to comment on the interpellation, as he also referred to his allegiance to the Public Ministry.

The former functionary of the Pepca had much antes before the quarter of the tarde, he may have been interviewed with the organ continued, and is approached by periodicals claiming that it has no knowledge of the reason for what it claims.

Peña was quoted as comparing Pepca’s to the late quarter, according to which mediators of the past deposited a quarrel against the General Prosecutor’s Office (PGR), giving him a charge of more than RD $ 9. 200 million during his management in the Opret, through multiple companies.

Dicha querella se le accusa a Peña presuntamente de cometer los crénes de association de malhechores, stafa contra el Estado, prevaricación, lavado de actives provenciens de la corruption und otros sanionados por el Dominó Penal Dominicano.
