Atlas busca responds to Diego Cocca

Only in the camp with a victory ante Pumas, as the players of the Atlas can respond to his technician Diego Martín Cocca, who is in the float tras tres derrotas of consecutive manner and one more month, the dejaría without arguments in productivity, for darling continuity.

The unique way of working tranquilos the coming week, is to import the comma, as the Jesus Angulo just mentioned, who is sure to regress with a positive result from Ciudad Universitaria.

“The home team will take revenge, a second opportunity, creating that we will return these three dreadlocks, the team is apt to divert these dreads that we left in the tournament. We have a large plant, creo that is one of the best that he has seen in the little one that lives here in the institution, creo that we have all the potential to revert to what we are living now, creo that we list to the domino to revert to it situation ”.

Noto Angulo mejoría en el cotejo que perdieron ante Tigres, but it is not slowing down, so as to rediscover effort and total concentration, is the requirement that the team must have in order for the best to be reflected, marking the first goal and scoring three points.

“I believe that in the last party we have more order, we have the position of the balloon, we have rights and we are very productive. I’m apt for this reto that we are facing the weight of the three errotas, entonces in the staff I feel very well and I am sure that we will be able to pay ”.

Respect for the new normalcy in the MX League for the players who are responsible, who do not and in places that do not have to and respect the salvage drugs that are required, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which is good for women do not understand .

Si te cuidas no te van a multar, a mí me parece bien que la hayan reforzado, here in the institution the estates following the letter of the letter, create that there is a great medium for protecting us and taking care of everything. If you want to be careful, you have a lot of bad habits in all families in many countries, it is fundamental to personal safety, so we will be successful ”.

Respect for Pumas, added that there are four points in the championship, mentioning that the tournament was a demonstration of what his abilities and a duel will be quite difficult.

“Pumas is a strong team, leading to the Final, it is a losing team, which will play in the box, creating a difficult game, but we will be able to score three points. If he wants to do more than he loves, he has to get more, he wants to get more, so it will be fundamental in the team to sell ahead and approve the opportunities ”.

