Atlántico: mujer desaparecida esperando la llegada de Cristo – Barranquilla – Colombia

The publication of Isabel López, co-author of Sabanalarga (Atlántico) and epicenter of the history of the church that espers the birth of Christ, thought that the drama was acababa the 28th of January with the confirmation of the arrival of, per the complex situation continues.

(In Context: Jesucristo n llegó y feligreses que esperaban se fueron a sus casas)

Hecho, this drama is an extension to Barranquilla, where he was last seen by the pastor, ya Galapa, where a family hopes to see the end of the day and the mother of two children who will not come from this year.

The woman was one of the dozens of people who complied with a lengthy sentence to be testified by the ‘Salvador’ law and the “resurrection between the dead”. But the suessió is last and since then the sign is found to have disappeared.

Without embarrassment, his partner Erick Lucheta confirmed this Saturday that appearance in the last hours, lie that he differs in national media from the drama of this family, a drama that has continued to have the appearance of appearances.

It’s a person who’s incensed teno in mind is a hermeneutic prophecy

‘Ya apareció. The person whose tenure withheld the decision was released on bail. It’s a person who’s incapacitated, so he’s supposed to be a singer. Apareció donde mi suegra, él mismo la llevó en un taxi ”, dijo el hombre.

Prohibition of probes, does not know what conditions are found, because it has not been seen. Teme any reaction she can have when he lives he has two children. For this preference be patient and prepare a psychological support, by a specialist.

“If it’s not here, it’s a joke, because it’s a delicate subject. First of all, it’s a psychological support and we’ll see what makes it more attractive. But because it appears, the drama has no end, ”Lucheta said.

I seem somewhat absurd and illogical. When a person is about to leave another place, there is nothing like me in the cave

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The affected account that, given this situation, has a load of nines of 9 years and 18 years. But consider that they also have a special support, by which he lives. Both have explained the case and they have agreed.

“I feel very absurd and illogical. When a person is about to leave another house, it’s just like me in the cave and his things that I do not think to pass on to my family “, said Lucheta, who hogar has been conforming since 20 years.

This is a long process, but if it wants to be confirmed. I connect the open doors to what can happen

A hogar antes no había sufrido por algo paresido, aunque sí recognos que leían la palabra, “sin exageraciones”. Now, consider yourself affected, as long as they marry, their mother and their mother.

“It’s a long process, but it’s hard to believe. I’ll connect the open doors to what can happen, but it’s not going to happen here, ”declared the Atlanticist, who is part of one of the families affected by this story that has no end.

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More details of the community

According to testimonial versions, some members of the community will sell their belongings while waiting for the one to hope for the sale of Christ. Others, like Pastor Ferrer, will work on them.

Agreements with the authorities, even minor issues are involved in the case. Without embargo, the Icbf sacks of the church used in the correction and rehab with other families, while verifying that these are guaranteed to be welcome.

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Deivis López Ortega
Correspondent of EL TIEMPO Barranquilla
On Twitter: @DeJhoLopez
Write to [email protected]
